Author Topic: Cold  (Read 780 times)


  • Posts: 283
« on: August 27, 2008, 07:16:39 PM »
Hi all,

I have felt cold, all long week while meditating, and I don't like it, it has always been warm with me, but I know that when cold comes is when Shakti is working more. Also I have felt very heavy, like if I cannot move.

Any advice ?

« Last Edit: August 27, 2008, 10:31:17 PM by AYPforum »


  • Posts: 3001
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2008, 11:05:30 PM »
seems like you need some grounding my friend.

even what we might concider little amount of practice sometimes might be too much, search arround the forum for self pacing and grounding.




  • Posts: 4947
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2008, 11:47:36 PM »
The cold that you are feeling is energy moving.. sometimes energy is in form of heat , sometimes its minty cold. It is a sign of purification. The feeling of heaviness is also purification. It is just a phase. Many here have gone through it... and I think most did get over it. If these happen during practice and is not causing you too much discomfort, just continue with your practice as is.. if however, it is making you uncomfortable during practice and/or this is overflowing into your daily life..  and if it gets too much to handle, make sure you self pace.

At times the heaviness during the day can be due to lack of enough rest after meditation. So please do remember to take plenty of rest after meditation (or whatever practice is last in your routine),  before you end your session.

Look at Tips on Managing Practices    and the yoga FAQ Energy - Excess Kundalini Symptoms? for more information.

Just remember, it's a phase.. and although it is not a fun phase.. it will be over.. so don't dwell on it or give it too much importance.. and it will be gone much faster.
Wish you all the best.[:)]


  • Posts: 545
« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2008, 05:10:18 AM »

You said the sensations are like minty cold and warm.  I sometimes feel something like that in my back.  What is it?  I don't think that is kundalini because if that is kundalini i am not aware of chakras and i am not percieving higher planes, seeing light or hearing sounds.  

It is like along the spine but it branches out, especially around the mid to lower back.  I've noticed that when i feel happy the sensations there increase. It is very similar to something i used to get that people call a shiver down the spine but the temperature sensations (that is how i usually describe it) are different to anything i have experienced before.

I feel pressure on my crown, medulla and bindu points, roughly corresponding.  But you see, i used to get panic attacks which would create pressure in my head and i put these sensations down to anxiety.  I also feel pressure or pain sensations in my eyes.  ONe time when i had a very bad attack the doctors gave me valium and i felt these pressures receed backwards into the medulla and then poof! vanished completely.  But that was many years ago and now i just feel a dull sensation that sometimes feels painful and especially when i meditate.  In fact, i haven't had a proper sleep in many years because as i said in another post i like having a drink at night and i know that if i don't do that i will lie down, close my eyes and the pressure will rise up into my head and i won't have a nice time.  When i close my eyes to meditate, soon enough the pressure "rises" up and i feel incredibly uncomfortable.

If these are kundalini symptoms then perhaps it explains why i have never heard of anything similar anywhere in literature or from doctors who explain that anxiety usually manifests in the chest area, whereas i feel it all in the head.


  • Posts: 283
« Reply #4 on: August 28, 2008, 07:04:13 PM »


Thanks for your advice, It only happens while in meditation, and its not very uncomfortable, hope it doesn't dwells too much, I prefer the heat. I always rest after meditation, cause the body needs it, one lose a lot of energy with the meditation.

Sat Nam

Originally posted by Shanti

The cold that you are feeling is energy moving.. sometimes energy is in form of heat , sometimes its minty cold. It is a sign of purification. The feeling of heaviness is also purification. It is just a phase. Many here have gone through it... and I think most did get over it. If these happen during practice and is not causing you too much discomfort, just continue with your practice as is.. if however, it is making you uncomfortable during practice and/or this is overflowing into your daily life..  and if it gets too much to handle, make sure you self pace.

At times the heaviness during the day can be due to lack of enough rest after meditation. So please do remember to take plenty of rest after meditation (or whatever practice is last in your routine),  before you end your session.

Look at Tips on Managing Practices    and the yoga FAQ Energy - Excess Kundalini Symptoms? for more information.

Just remember, it's a phase.. and although it is not a fun phase.. it will be over.. so don't dwell on it or give it too much importance.. and it will be gone much faster.
Wish you all the best.[:)]


  • Posts: 283
« Reply #5 on: August 28, 2008, 07:06:29 PM »


Thanks for your advice, I think I'll survey this symptom, and if it persist I'll self-pace.


Originally posted by Ananda

seems like you need some grounding my friend.

even what we might concider little amount of practice sometimes might be too much, search arround the forum for self pacing and grounding.

