Author Topic: Smiling  (Read 544 times)


  • Posts: 191
« on: August 01, 2008, 02:14:10 PM »
Lately I've noticed during pranayama when I convert from aerobic respiration to pranic I spontaneously begin smiling in an interesting way. The smile is independent of my mood.  The muscles in my face (perhaps the quadratus labii superioris contract and bring a sort of pressure to the roof of my mouth and my sinsues. A gentle, almost liquid pleasure seems to be excreted, centered in the middle of the roof, where the nasal passages end. The Sound of Silence, my breathing (especially the exhalation), this blissful excretion, a current of energy surrounding my body (especially my hands) and bursts of chill/tingles up my back and in a halo pattern around my head combine in a very absorbing process.

This happened in a meeting with some friends tonight and I started crying with pleasure (?) The energy I generate in my practice seems to be a palpable presence so much so that i keep thinking people will literally see it.  I held an infant in my arms last night and he seemed transfixed for quite a while on my anja.  You should have seen the look on his face.  It was really something.
