Author Topic: Kundalini and Enlightenment  (Read 1112 times)


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Kundalini and Enlightenment
« on: January 07, 2006, 11:00:27 PM »
I am glad you posted this topic and it does need to be discussed.
 I have achieved this by meditating and this is exactly what happens like you said and I quote:
  "We have described the beginnings of ecstatic
experience as prana moves through the spinal nerve and spreads out
through us. And we have talked about pure bliss consciousness brought
up in meditation illuminating us with pure joy from the inside
through our pranayama-cultivated nervous system"
  When I have achieved this the light streams thru my chakras and I feel so wonderful that it is hard to describe it, and thank you for doing this for I thought that not many people get this response.
 While doing this meditative practice, and achieving this result, then I am able to join the Etheric realm, and recive messages, sometimes, from my guides/angles/totems. It is a wonderful achievent and I wish everyone to feel this and to do Spirits work by this method.
 Thank you for posting the topic,