Author Topic: Neuro-Energy-Based Healthcare  (Read 4594 times)


  • Posts: 6025
    • AYP Plus
Neuro-Energy-Based Healthcare
« on: July 12, 2005, 04:35:01 AM »
What is neuro-energy?

Anyone who has been helped by an Ayurvedic diet, an Accupuncture treatment, a Reiki healing or a Chiropractor has some idea about what neuro-energy is. It has other names: prana, chi, life-force, neuro-biological energy, vital essence...

Whatever we call it, it is real. When it is blocked or out of balance, we become ill. When it is in balance, we are on top of the world. The body has an ability to balance its own inner energies, and we call that our natural ability to heal. While modern western medicine uses many amazing technologies, in the end, they too rely on the body's natural healing powers to accomplish their cures. Every system of medicine and healing does. The human body is its own doctor, pharmacy and hospital. All we have to do is give it the best opportunity to function -- to do its thing.

Alternative modalities of healthcare do just that. Their main focus is on promoting energy balance, preferably with lifestyle recommendations that can serve as a preventive measure, enabling our bodies to keep themselves healthy, rather than from the position of dealing with a body with inner energies being way out of balance.

Neuro-energy approaches to healthcare can also be helpful to those on the path of yoga. While yoga promotes balance in the nervous system, it also expands the role of the inner energies in support of the enlightenment process. Sometimes there can be some excess energy, or an imbalance. That is when we apply the principles of self-pacing in our practice, so as not to aggravate what is usually just a temporary bumpy place in the road on the way to enlightenment. If we come to yoga with deep-rooted imbalances, then it can take some extra measures to smooth things out. That is where the energy-based healthcare systems can provide some support.

Ayurveda is particularly strong in support of yoga, because it subscribes to the same core principles and practices, and offers sound means for promoting energy balance in the nervous system. Some Ayurvada resources can be found in the AYP links section at 

This forum is for discussing the many alternative healthcare modalities, and how they can support our continuing spiritual progress.

The guru is in you.
« Last Edit: April 24, 2015, 01:17:41 PM by yogani99 »


  • Posts: 327
Neuro-Energy-Based Healthcare
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2010, 07:24:02 PM »
Hi Yogani and All,

I have some very interesting experience to share.  I entered a shopping mall in Lucknow, north India, on Sunday last to see if I could find something I needed. On entering, I saw a large crowd gathered around a stall where there were some Japanese in suits, demonstrating some gadget to potential customers. When I neared the spot, they called me and asked if I was interested.

They were selling some high-priced "nutrition" products, and in order to "determine" scientifically what a particular person needs, they had a small bathroom-scale like equipment. You had to stand on the scale, barefoot, and hold at arms length a handle, connected to the scale with a cable.
They then feed into a built-in micro-processor, your age and height, and, using the contact with the bare feet, the gizmo produces a report, that gives parameters like BMI, BMR, skeletal muscle percentage,visceral fat units, etc.

After producing my report, the man handed it to me saying, there was nothing he had to sell me on the basis of the report, but wanted to learn the secret of my good health !

My body fat, BMI etc., were well within normal limits, but I was concerned to see my BMR( Basal Metabolic Rate) at 1460, when the normal value is 1800 for men. My " body age " was 24 yrs.lower than my actual age !

When I asked the man about my BMR, he said the lower BMR was indicative of excellent health, and said only advanced practitioners of Yoga or Zen meditation, had such low levels, and wanted to know what I was doing to get this level.
He called me at Chennai the following day to say he would like to meet and discuss this with me. I was delighted and of course agreed to meet him !

My question to you(Yogani) is, is this possible wirh just 3 or 4 years of AYP? I am very surprised.



  • Posts: 6025
    • AYP Plus
Neuro-Energy-Based Healthcare
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2010, 03:04:49 AM »
Hi Krish:

Sounds like a typical result from practices you are having there.

Bravo! [8D]

The guru is in you.

PS: Pass it on.  


  • Posts: 327
Neuro-Energy-Based Healthcare
« Reply #3 on: November 17, 2010, 03:32:39 AM »
Hi Yogani,(and others)

 Thanks for the confirmation, but my concern was, a fall in BMR of over 350 points below the normal, seemed large, and I was wondering if it indicated a reduced state of health, largely owing to my having reduced my daily food intake by over 50%, even though I feel energetic and well all the time.

Has anybody else had their BMR level checked and found similar results?

Yogani, as for passing "it" on, we shall give it our best shot, and then let "samyama" deal with it !

« Last Edit: November 17, 2010, 06:57:26 PM by krcqimpro1 »


  • Posts: 6025
    • AYP Plus
Neuro-Energy-Based Healthcare
« Reply #4 on: November 18, 2010, 02:10:32 AM »
Hi Krish:

If you have health concerns, it will be best to ask a doctor. But it seems all you have is a number that confirms that your bodily functions are getting younger than your age. This is quite normal for consistent yoga practitioners. How are you feeling?

If it is a case of going to the doctor to ask, "How come I am getting younger so fast?" then we will all cheer. [:)]

The guru is in you.


  • Posts: 327
Neuro-Energy-Based Healthcare
« Reply #5 on: November 18, 2010, 03:41:31 AM »
Hi Yogani,

Thanks.Only today I checked on the internet and found that prolonged Pranayama and Meditation has been found to lower BMR.

I am feeling quite well, so I don't think I shall be seeing the doctor now.
