Author Topic: Worries about overlapping Mantras  (Read 214 times)


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Worries about overlapping Mantras
« on: July 15, 2019, 10:47:20 AM »
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Posted - Oct 15 2015 :  06:43:21 AM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Topic  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Message  Delete Topic

As many of you I got initiated in a japa mantra some time ago.
It has a great value to me, still I am not sure if I shall go on.

I want to follow the AYP system as my main practice, I am gradually building up the practice, at the moment it contains a few Asanas, five minutes SBP with Sambhavi and mula bandha and 20 minutes Meditation with the first encehancement.

As you know the mentra technique in Ayp is totally different from the traditional japa chanting. I fear that my japa practice and Apy may not fit together well in the long run. I was told to keep my mantra secret, but I think I can say that it starts with OM and KLEEM and ends with NAMAH: So, it even contains some syllables we use in Ayp.
If I take the japa sadhana serious it is a goal to have to vibration of the Mantra constantly in the system, thinking it in the backround of all other activity.
What is your experience, is there a harmful overlapping down the road?
Does it disturb the simple process of refining the sound in deep meditation, when the same syllables are used with concentration during the day?

On one side I am quite attached to my japa, it helps me to channel my emotions and thoughts to the Ishta, but on the other side, I am ready to drop it completely, if the progress is disturbed.

Is there maybe a place for it somewhere else in the Ayp system?
Can it be be used in samyama a sutra?

By the way, in which area of the nerve system resonates the kleem beeja mantra?

Edited by - Theotokos on Oct 15 2015 06:44:52 AM
1395 Posts

 Posted - Oct 15 2015 :  08:13:31 AM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
Welcome to the forums Theotokos!!

Japa is not part of the AYP system. If you decide to do both, I would watch out for overloads and self pace when necessary. I feel if you are are continuously doing Japa during the day along with AYP, you will hit the brick wall soon. AYP is a very powerful practice even though it looks simple.

Having said that, I chant and do Japa during the day. I don't have a particular Japa whatever comes up. However, I self-pace and ground when overloading.


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 Posted - Oct 15 2015 :  08:47:05 AM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
To understand where a mantra resides simply feel its vibrations that is your answer.

The biggest thing with AYP Mantra IAM and the later modifications is that it is not used like Japa throughout the day.

Concerning Japa and the vibrations it sets up it is useful as you have noted for the reasons you have noted but here is something to consider.

What happens when you stop the japa?

Answer you eventually return to your pre-excited or vibrational induced state of whatever is your natural frequency. Mind also resumes and may even be worse for the wear placed on it.

In my opinion the only true benefit of Japa is to get the witness the Jiva to realize it is not the mind once that is done best to put the tool away.

The point is that DM is only done during sitting and the result is much stronger as your mind is not being abused. The mind instead is doing the work it was designed for focused for a short period of time with full strength and vitality by simply favoring the mantra the mind gets bliss which is pleasure as in feels good and it naturally seeks the source of the good feeling the source is stillness and when mind finds the source it is made still also and then many wonderful things follow in the stillness that you have to experience to know.

When you are with stillness, stillness little by little becomes your normal operational mode in daily life.

So Deep Meditation encourages stillness to express in daily life Stillness in action and you become the witness.

Japa encourages vibration in the nervous system all the time and there will never be stillness. It will bring about exhaustion. This is not the same as stillness nor is riding a vibrational wave considering this a better frequency or higher state of consciousness than those who do not.

Deep Meditation however is done when using IAM it is a bidirectional up and down movement which helps purify and develop the subtle body and in doing so the mind comes to stillness it?s natural non-agitated state. Mission accomplished everything Japa hoped to achieve is achieved and there is more.

The natural state is beyond vibrations we may induce.

IAM / deep meditation is one way of doing this.

Japa is an active distraction from daily life.

Stillness in action is unity with daily life.

One runs away from always seeking favoring something else. = Japa

The other embraces and becomes one with all in unity. = Stillness
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 Posted - Oct 15 2015 :  08:54:58 AM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
Another thing to consider:

Deep Meditation is a linear up and down effect.

Spinal breathing is also a linear up and down effect.

Both purify the subtle body in a similar fashion and the practices do compliment each other and magnify one another's effects on your neurobiology considerably as do all the add-ons.

AYP is a complete system but it is deceptively powerful in it's simplicity.

Pay attention and try to fully understand these 4 AYP principals all 4 are very real:

Doubling up effect.


Self Pacing.

The Guru is in you.
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 Posted - Oct 15 2015 :  09:08:32 AM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
Great answers, So-Hi!
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 Posted - Oct 15 2015 :  09:13:20 AM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
Very Nicely put So-Hi. Great explanation how Japa and DM works. It's point on.

Japa and chanting for me is to show my adoration and love for my Isthas.

Edited by - sunyata on Oct 15 2015 09:55:13 AM