Author Topic: How safe is AYP  (Read 167 times)


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How safe is AYP
« on: July 10, 2019, 12:47:04 PM »
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Posted - Nov 24 2015 :  9:45:30 PM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Topic  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Message  Delete Topic
I doing well after 8 months of AYP and starting to feel energy rising with SBP. But after reading on the forums the many sad accounts of spontaneously activated kundalini and the years of misery they go through, I'm wondering if it's worth it. Many or most of the people come from other practices so it's hard to know what part, if any, AYP plays.

I know that AYP is supposed to create a smooth awakening but these stories are pretty scary. And even after the kundalini smoothed out, no one said they felt positive effects as a result of the awakening. It's made to seem like they're getting over a lengthly disease or disability.

While I feel some energy rising in SBP, I am doing solo tantra practice and am able to feel huge amounts of energy rising upwards into my body and head when I get close to orgasm. I read that Yogani said you can't overdo it in solo tantra practice but I'm wondering if this energy is opening up my crown chakra. I'm helping the energy using mulabandha and breathing. No specific technique but I've developed my own way to get the sexual energy moving upwards. Not upwards energy like in SBP but radiating throughout my body and some going to my head.

I'm wondering if I should continue trying to move the energy upwards or if this will cause a rude awakening.
467 Posts

 Posted - Nov 24 2015 :  10:15:44 PM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Visit Wolfgang's Homepage  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
Originally posted by Dennis

I read that Yogani said you can't overdo it in solo tantra practice but I'm wondering if this energy is opening up my crown chakra.

I am wondering in what context Yogani said that you can't overdo.
I am sure he said to be careful with the crown.
And he constantly speaks about self-pacing ...
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1486 Posts

 Posted - Nov 25 2015 :  08:02:17 AM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
All yoga systems can be risky if you plunge into them too fast. I will join Wolfgang in urging you to be prudent in your self-pacing. I would recommend reading the AYP lessons about self-pacing if you haven't done already.

Practice wisely and enjoy
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1395 Posts

 Posted - Nov 25 2015 :  08:29:06 AM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
Hi Dennis,

I believe the smoothness depends on how purified one's body is. AYP practices cleanses our body mind daily. Self pacing and grounding will help with too much purification.

And even after the kundalini smoothed out, no one said they felt positive effects as a result of the awakening. It's made to seem like they're getting over a lengthly disease or disability.

I came to AYP with a spontaneous awakening. I'm more at peace with everything than five years ago. Life is not all roses but I understand it doesn't have to be that way to be at peace. I understand it's a journey and I'm okay with that. Like Yogani mentions how many life times of Karmas in stored in the body. It will take time but the journey is beautiful.

I have noticed that in order to move forward- all aspects of life has to be balanced. The eight limbs of yoga has to be followed. It's not all about the sexual energy but also how are we helping those we come in contact with every day.

Just wanted to share that you are following the right path. Don't think too much. Do your practices, self pace and ground when necessary and give that joy away in whatever ways you can.


Edited by - sunyata on Nov 25 2015 08:58:06 AM
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1546 Posts

 Posted - Nov 25 2015 :  11:33:35 AM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Visit Charliedog's Homepage  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
Hi Dennis,
And even after the kundalini smoothed out, no one said they felt positive effects as a result of the awakening. It's made to seem like they're getting over a lengthly disease or disability.

IMO waking up is the greatest gift in life. It can be a rough ride, especially when one is not practicing yoga, and it is a sudden happening.

Looking back I can say that this is the most beautiful journey I am traveling.

It is a journey with ups and downs, but there is no way back in life, it gives you the opportunity to be aware of every moment. To really learn to know who you are. Like the famous quote says, You can't stop the waves, but you can learn to surf them.

Important is to read the lessons of Yogani, and also to reread them, because your perspective can and will change. Practice is and will be important.

Like Sunyata mentioned it is important to follow the eight limbs of yoga....enjoy, live your life to the fullest