Author Topic: Skin Issues .. help?  (Read 1135 times)


  • Posts: 112
Skin Issues .. help?
« on: August 27, 2006, 10:16:27 AM »
Hi everyone,

since beginning ayp my skin has been really acting up.... very sore and all over my back and even some on my face...[:I]

Anyone dealt with this problem?

Any advice would be so appreciated[8D[:)]



  • Posts: 4947
Skin Issues .. help?
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2006, 04:24:50 AM »
Hi Babaly,
What do you mean by "acting up" and "sore".. is it dry skin, or is it red and irritated, or does it break out a lot.. or[?]
Is it painful ?


  • Posts: 1589
Skin Issues .. help?
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2006, 02:56:13 AM »
Hi Babaly,

It is impossible to know the cause for sure, but one place to start is with some prudent self-pacing. With your symptoms, I would self-pace most assertively in the area of pranayama and related mudras. Drop the extra mudras for a while, reduce the pranayama by 50% and cut your meditation time down by 5 minutes and see what happens.

As has been suggested in other threads, increasing your amount of water intake daily could help a great deal as well.

Good luck!


  • Posts: 112
Skin Issues .. help?
« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2006, 09:55:41 AM »
Thanks Shanti and Anthem for your replies....

I've really cut down on all my practices - trying to self-pace - so there's nothing more to cut down unless I just don't meditate:-(

It's break outs all up and down my back but some of them are just painful... I've never had something like this before- yes a spot here or there... but this is really all over.

Just wondering if anyone experienced this at all in their purification as this is obviously what is going on with me:-(

Anyway, thanks for your help...



  • Posts: 4947
Skin Issues .. help?
« Reply #4 on: August 29, 2006, 10:09:07 AM »
Hi Babaly,
Yes.. that is what I was looking for.. I break out a lot too all over my back and some on my face and neck. It is excess heat... or as people here call it pitta overload. In our case it is because of practice.. however in India this was very common due to the very hot climate and spicy food... esp. in summer during mango season(yummmm[:p]!!!!!!!!!).

Couple of recepies to try that cool the body down.. see if they help.. let me know too..
1> 2 tblspn fennel seeds + 1tblspn seedless raisins .. soak in a cup of water overnight (6-8 hrs)... Drink this water the next morning.

2> 2 tblspn yogurt + 1 glass of water + pinch of salt + pinch of black pepper.. stir well.. drink cold.. keep drinking it all day... as many glasses as you can.

Also try some Prickly Heat Powder..
You can buy it.. or try this home made one
1/2  cup corn starch  
1  tablespoon ground cinnamon  
Mix them  and apply on your back.
If you dont want to smell cinnamony.. just try corn starch..

I hope they help Babaly...[:)]
« Last Edit: August 29, 2006, 12:52:02 PM by Shanti »


  • Posts: 718
Skin Issues .. help?
« Reply #5 on: August 29, 2006, 10:10:04 AM »
Hi Babaly,
Even though my experiences aren't as severe as yours, I often get sore face and head which is tender to the touch.


  • Posts: 193
Skin Issues .. help?
« Reply #6 on: August 29, 2006, 11:19:25 AM »

I too get the pitta overload from time to time. Shanti's reply is similar to what I experience. Backing off in practices, as Anthem suggests does help. Watching what I eat helps me even more.

I have to restrict caffeine (yes even herbal tea), spicy foods, acidic foods like tomatoes, processed foods and greasy foods.

I have switched to a mainly organic diet and that has helped as well.

I also find that anger and guilt are big culprits for me. I rarely get angry. I am pretty centered and slow in response to situations that are not compatible with my viewpoint or delusion.

However, I was raised Catholic and am prone to guilt from time to time. [}:)]

With Peace,


  • Posts: 112
Skin Issues .. help?
« Reply #7 on: August 29, 2006, 07:55:16 PM »
Thanks Shanti,

I appreciate all your info.

I am going to try the fennel/raisin water. And I will find some corn starch.

Thanks so much,



  • Posts: 112
Skin Issues .. help?
« Reply #8 on: August 29, 2006, 08:06:50 PM »
Originally posted by lucidinterval1


I have to restrict caffeine (yes even herbal tea), spicy foods, acidic foods like tomatoes, processed foods and greasy foods.

I have switched to a mainly organic diet and that has helped as well.

I also find that anger and guilt are big culprits for me. I rarely get angry. I am pretty centered and slow in response to situations that are not compatible with my viewpoint or delusion.

With Peace,

Thanks Paul,

I wish things were different but I am dealing with a lot of anger that I am purifying through (I hope)[:(] That may have something to do with it too.

I luckily already eat mostly organic food - I'm a vegan. Though I do love spicy foods..... I adore indian food[:p]

FYI: I've been doing a lot of research on alkalizing the body and according to the alkaline experts, tomatoes though acidic in nature, once introduced to the body, they turn alkalizing just like lemons.

I am looking forward to the day when I am not angry ( not that I am all the time or anything) but I feel soooo sensitive and get so hurt by people around me - so it's more like an inner seeth-a-thon.

It's even comical sometimes... I'll get up from a blissful meditation and after resting etc., something will occur and there I am again....

Anyway, just wanted to thank you for your imput.
