Author Topic: Osho on How to deal with an excess of energy.  (Read 873 times)


  • Posts: 319
Osho on How to deal with an excess of energy.
« on: September 28, 2009, 07:03:37 PM »

I'm experiencing too much energy those last days and I just found those lines useful.. I was hesitating about posting them here or in the "Other systems" section, so, moderators, feel free to place it wherever you feel it fits best.

It can become painful when it is too much and you don't know what to do with it. And with the energy, enjoy it, delight in it. Just sitting, sway, sing, dance a little, jog, or run around the house. Do it not as a work but as a fun. When there is too much energy it has to be used as fun. Just a playing around, almost fooling around -- just as small children do.
If meditation goes well, much energy is created. One is always at a loss as to what to do with it because our whole mind has been conditioned for centuries for utility, because the world has lived in scarcity, scarcity of everything.
Now for the first time many parts of the world are getting out of that poverty. A greater problem has arisen now -- of what to do with that energy. All the old values are useless now. Humanity will have to learn to play. They will have to drop all utilitarian ideas, and will have to use energy as fun -- a simple delight in it. Not that something comes out of it -- no result should be sought in it. You just release energy, and the very release is a tremendously beautiful experience.



  • Posts: 1843
Osho on How to deal with an excess of energy.
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2009, 07:20:35 PM »
Hi Christiane

Thanks for sharing [:)]

You of the most helpful and beautiful things with the AYP practices for me..... is the emphasize put on the aspect of self-pacing. It has been - and still is - tremendously helpful.
AYP and Yogani is so much about embodiment......we are here to live as awakened beings. It is this practicality about it that I am so attracted to [|)]

In AYP....waking up....safely more than a concept.
It is a natural practice within the practices. And self-pacing allows for it.

What Osho writes is lovely.
What I find that any proper engagement in life....where one is not stuck mentally on any outcome...... helps in enabling the energy to flow.

So keep activly loving what you do from where you are [:D]


  • Posts: 319
Osho on How to deal with an excess of energy.
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2009, 08:20:58 PM »
Thanks Katrine [:)]
I cannot but be active those days anyway!
By active I don't necessarily mean "doing"..
Rather allowing the intensity to flow the way it likes..
And there was this thought yesterday that it was maybe a waste
to have that much energy and not doing anything useful about it!
This is the conditionning that Osho speaks about..
So when this thought came yesterday, I naturally thought - in response - 'why should I do anything? let's just laugh and enjoy this over-dose as it is... with all its 'tension'/urge sensations'.
I talked like I've never talked for 2 hours on a row with my father yesterday...
Yet I was not was not 'me' who was talking...
'I' was absent. At a moment, while talking, looking at my father - who was completely puzzled by the way - , I perceived his body as a 'form', an external form that has nothing to do with his true essence/being.. This may sound plain and we mentally know that we are not the body.
But it was a direct perception.. hard to put into words, but I guess you got easily what I'm trying to say..
Like a 'new vision', through forms, beyond the physical perception of the eyes.And if I had to locate this perception, maybe it was felt around the heart chakra.. as if the "eyes" were seeing from there.

To be continued!

« Last Edit: September 28, 2009, 08:30:32 PM by christiane »