Author Topic: purification of mind  (Read 674 times)


  • Posts: 60
purification of mind
« on: September 24, 2009, 12:57:15 AM »
so whats the term? overpurification?  rapid purification? i'm adjusting with my eatting habits.... thats fine.   What about my mind... are there or could there be "overpurifying" symptoms... if that makes any sense.... i'd like to be aware of potential problems with this... advice or any comment is appreciated.


  • Posts: 98
purification of mind
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2009, 12:05:22 PM »
If you do a search for "overdoing" "self-pacing", etc, lots of good info will show up, lots of good threads. It can for sure affect the mind--over-sensitivity, depression, getting annoyed with people (especially people perceived as being less spiritual), etc.

Bottom line: increase practices slowly and ramp things down as needed.

There was a good long post on grounding by Jim and His Karma, somewhere. Lots of threads reference it, so I'm sure you can find it.

Good luck!

Originally posted by littlejerry

so whats the term? overpurification?  rapid purification? i'm adjusting with my eatting habits.... thats fine.   What about my mind... are there or could there be "overpurifying" symptoms... if that makes any sense.... i'd like to be aware of potential problems with this... advice or any comment is appreciated.


  • Posts: 359
purification of mind
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2009, 11:07:45 PM »
Hi littlejerry,

overpurification can get unpleasant sometimes. I think I never experienced symptoms of it on the mind level in particular, though. I can offer these two experiences, which occurred as a result of doing too much of AYP (Particularly overdoing SBP/DM for several months followed with a 3 week retreat with doubled SBP/DM/SAMYAMA, and the second one was due to introducing amaroli with a little too high beginning dose.)

Ovedoing experience 1
Ovedoind experience 2

So it's a very good idea to appreciate the self-pacing principle, in order to avoid ovepurification, in my opinion.

All the best[:)]