Author Topic: self-pacing in other paths???  (Read 796 times)


  • Posts: 3
self-pacing in other paths???
« on: February 06, 2009, 08:40:59 AM »
Hello everybody! i'm Miguel from Spain.
(First of all sorry for my bad english!.)[|)]
I have been practicing kriya yoga for one year and three months.I was iniciated in 2007 and 2008 in level 1 and 2.Babajis kriya yoga.
level 1:
pranayama (powerfull i think)

level 2:
bija mantras
ishta devata mantra (Murugan,and in to weeks ill take ganesh mantra).

In level 2 we make mantra yagna (in the course,before mantra dhiksa).Its beautiful.

Well,why im writing you?
All of this time ihave been in contact with online lessons,forum,etc...but this days the "spirit" of yoganis lessons are speaking to my soul.I think yoganis work is great. And specially the support along the path and self pacing instructions. And this point is te reason why im writing here.
Im very confused with my practice and life in this moment.Since i began in spiritual path a lot of things have changed in my life,specially in subttle levels.
But since i began with yoga,i have had a feeling of great lonliness.I have been alone (until now).in my kriya yoga lineage,you go to the course,and thats all.
I have had lot of problems with my practice along this year and three months,because nobody told me about self pacing.For example,in kriya yoga they teach you for doing pranayama (16 kriyas) and meditation (15 minutes) twice a day.You have to do asanas too.The "best" is doing all the asanas per day!!!
Ok,what about self pacing???isnt it dangerous???.Nobody told me abou self pacing.And i think is basic.
I have been doind saddhana all of this last year without self pacing.I suffered overdose sintomps,but i thought "ok,this is purification,this is normal,i feel really really bad,but this is purification and i must continue doing sadhana". Oh no!what a terrible mistake!!!
I think,yogani,there is lot of logic in your teachings.Mountains of logic and common sense i think.Now im begining with self pacing in my babajis saddhana.This morning i did 8 pranayam kriyas and 10 mtes meditation.ill repeat it this evening.i will be with this for a time.In the future ill add more.slowly.With self pacing.
Ok,new problems after doing this "little" sadhana this morning.I felt overdose again.¿why? its easy,in ayp lessons yogani talk about not doing pranayama before having meditation routine stabiliced.
the problem with my dhyana routine is that I have 7 dhyana kriyas.Only the first dhyana is for cleaning the mind.
i do it once a week.The other dhyana kriyas work whit visualitation,concentration in one point,reflextion,and contact with higher self.
I think the teachings of this kriya yoga are great too,but,why we recieve in the first level pranayama and dinamic dhyana kriyas before have not cleaned the mind???
This evening ill try with 4 pranayam kriyas and meditation (10 mtes).But...why they dont told me about self pacing in the course???I love this kriya yoga,but i feel alone.Your page,yogani,have been a great help for my saddhana.I dont know if in the future ill begin with AYP.aoanly god knows.I have been working hard with kriya and i have had some fruits of this work and i feel very proud about it.But i see more guidance in ayp. there are lot of kriyas in my actual saddhana that i love.I love kriya yoga.But i love ayp too!!!
If you give me opinions about this,(was anybody in this situation?),ill be in gratitude with all of you my friends!!!
God bliss you.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2009, 05:57:04 AM by Miguel_kriyaban »


  • Posts: 424
self-pacing in other paths???
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2009, 05:12:15 PM »
Miguel, welcome to the AYP forum and thanks for introducing yourself. We’re glad you’re here.

One of the things you’ll hear Yogani say often is that ‘the guru is in you’.  I take this to mean that there are as many different paths as there are people.  We each find our own way on this wonderful spiritual journey.

You’ll find that several of us here follow more than one tradition. Some follow only one. I read other spiritual texts, meet with other spiritual groups and I meditate with others who don’t follow AYP, but for me, at the same time, the AYP deep meditation, pranayama and samyama are the core of my practices.  Meditation is the center of my practice. My path is unique, not like any one else's, but it is perfect for me.  Yes, a soup of many flavors, but my meditation is the heart of it.

I have very much appreciated Yogani's teachings and in time I've modified some of my practices to match the AYP practices and the results have felt just right.  At the same time, there are a couple of AYP practices that I personally will never follow because they do not resonate within.

It also sounds like a good thing that you’re self-pacing, perhaps slowing down or reducing your practices for a while.  I’ve had to do that over the years too.  Once, I had to really reduce my practices for several weeks before slowly building them back up again after I had enhanced my mantra too quickly. Eventually the symptoms resolved and I picked up the pace again.

light and love,



  • Posts: 3
self-pacing in other paths???
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2009, 06:21:23 PM »
Thanks kathy,your words help me a lot.
Today i woke up and did only ten minutes of meditation (kriya yoga)and no pranayama .After it i rest 5 mtes and now i feel good...self pacing is going ok!