Author Topic: Deep Meditation  (Read 1012 times)


  • Posts: 327
Deep Meditation
« on: December 31, 2008, 04:53:03 PM »

Hi, here's wishing you and every other member a happy, prosperous and spiritually delightful NEW YEAR.

My question is :  In all the books I have read about meditation methods, and especially in the "Self-realization Fellowship " teachings of Yogananda, there is a lot of emphasis placed on Sambhavi Mudra during meditation, whereas AYP does  this. Why ? I personally find that Sambhavi Mudra helps to go deep into meditation.



  • Posts: 1464
Deep Meditation
« Reply #1 on: December 31, 2008, 11:03:13 PM »
Hi krcqimpro1
My question is : In all the books I have read about meditation methods, and especially in the "Self-realization Fellowship " teachings of Yogananda, there is a lot of emphasis placed on Sambhavi Mudra during meditation, whereas AYP does this. Why ? I personally find that Sambhavi Mudra helps to go deep into meditation.

I take it you meant "whereas AYP does NOT do this" is this correct??

If this is what you meant then the following lesson is an introduction to Sambhavi Mudra. This follows on later to Yoni Mudra Kumbhaka which is much more powerful.

If you go to the Topic Index
you will find these things more easily.



  • Posts: 3001
Deep Meditation
« Reply #2 on: January 01, 2009, 04:08:19 AM »
funny you should post this, 5 days ago one of the arabic readers sent me a msg saying that sambhavi mudra has become automatic even during deep meditation plus i asked yogani about the same thing a few months back.

so i guess it kinds of become automatic later down the rod during our practices especialy SBP.

but we don't feed it, we just let it be and it just happens....

light and love,



  • Posts: 327
Deep Meditation
« Reply #3 on: January 01, 2009, 07:04:46 PM »
Yes Sparkle, I meant AYP does not do this. I have read the lesson on Sambhavi Mudra, but it talks of it only during SBP, whereas my query was, why not Sambhavi Mudra (in AYP) during Deep Meditation too ?



  • Posts: 4947
Deep Meditation
« Reply #4 on: January 02, 2009, 02:01:57 AM »
Hi Krish,
Maybe this lesson will help.
Lesson 190 - Q&A – Sambhavi during meditation?


  • Posts: 3178
Deep Meditation
« Reply #5 on: January 02, 2009, 06:52:35 AM »
Hi Krish,

I used to only do Sambhavi during SBP at first because it was too distracting to do it during meditation, but what I found over time was that it became as Anada says, automatic.  I have come to personally think that almost all of the practices other than meditation should only be added once they become automatic.  The reason I say this is because for many months I have been doing SBP and other mudras and bandhas, but not until they started to happen without any intention did I get the feeling that they were "working".  Only recently has SBP, sambhavi mudra, nauli kriya, uddiyana and mulu bandha become automatic.   And only since they started to become automatic have I felt that they are truly doing what they are meant to be doing.  So in my personal opinion (and please take it as such as I still very much a beginner and end up contradicting my own opinions all the time) leave the mudras and bandhas alone until you feel them happening on their own.  Focus on DM and inner silence and the rest will fall into place.  Someone, please correct me if this is totally wrong and should not have been said.  Thanks.



  • Posts: 327
Deep Meditation
« Reply #6 on: January 03, 2009, 11:35:59 PM »
Thanks, Carsonzi and Shanti. I understand. Sambhavi can divert our attention from the mantra, even if momentarily,when we find Sambhavi slipping occasionally.
