Author Topic: What was that?  (Read 1216 times)


  • Posts: 3178
What was that?
« on: November 11, 2008, 07:18:14 AM »
Namaste Friends,

Yesterday I had an odd experience that I would like to ask if anyone has had this happen to them before.  It scared me.

I started my new second job this weekend, and yesterday, Monday, I had to work both jobs for the first time.  I went to work in the morning after a very deep meditation (recently I have dropped several practices and am back to doing just 10min of SBP and 20min of DM.) and had a great day at work.  I rushed home right after, let the dogs out and sat down to have my second practice session.  This session was exceptionally deep and blissfilled and I went a little overtime by accident which meant I had to shorten my rest period as I needed to shower before leaving for my second job.  I got up from rest, headed to the shower and about 3 minutes into the shower I get an extremely intense kundalini rush that literally knocked me unconscious.  I woke up on the floor of the bathroom, about 4 minutes later, feet and thighs still in the tub, shower curtain and rod on the floor underneath me, neck bend forward, chin tucked into my chest, shower still running, bathroom totally trashed by the fall.  When I woke up I thought I was coming out of meditation, except I felt all wet and my neck hurt.  The rest is basically clean up and shaking it off, and rushing to work.  Today I am very sore in my back and neck and I have a bump on the back of my skull.  The reason I say this was a kundalini rush as opposed to a sudden drop in blood pressure, or heat induced fainting is because
1. It was a kundalini rush (haha, there is no way around the feeling, I have had 2 before now...)
2. I saw it happening in my minds eye
3. It was "electrical" or "energy" that started in the root, and was not the feeling like getting way too hot, feeling light headed and fainting.
4. I was having a luke warm shower.
5. It put me in samadhi.

I don't know what to think about this experience.  I know I need to take enough time to rest, that is obvious, but is this normal in any way?  Should I go to the doctor?  Thanks for any input.

« Last Edit: November 11, 2008, 07:19:21 AM by CarsonZi »


  • Posts: 1843
What was that?
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2008, 08:25:50 AM »
Hi Carson

Wow.....I am glad you are ok.
I cannot give you medical advise - if in doubt, go see a doctor (you don't have a concussion, do you? You feel ok now?)

I am sure you are right about the Kundalini rush.

All I can say is that this is a sign for you to self-pace further. For one thing, no more "hopping in the shower" straight after your sitting session like that [:o)].....but this you already figured out. Also - you might consider cutting down 5 or 10 min on your DM time for a short while. Just for safety.

Since your work load has increased so much lately, it is important that you see to it that you get enough rest too. Hope you sleep full nights. And like you say - a proper rest after your session is crucial.

I experience surges (going up and out and coming down again to land in heart) many times a day and night, but the body has adapted to them gradually while they increased in strength and frequency and then became to say, so I am no expert when it comes to your experience of "blacking out".

Let's see what others here say too.

Stay well now [:)]


  • Posts: 3178
What was that?
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2008, 10:23:38 AM »
Thanks Katrine.

I do have a concusion.  But I am very prone to them from years of skateboarding accidents, fights, and passing out from doing too much heroin and hitting my head.  I am feeling a bit odd today,can't quite place the feeling.  Just odd.  Physically my back, neck and head are sore but that's physical so I can easily manage.  Anyways, I have already cut back even more today on my practices because I feel like I am still a little overloaded with energy.  I had added some practices recently and I am starting to think that this may have been a delayed effect of that.  Can't say for sure but the timing would fit.  I am not sleeping perfectly and in fact the night before this happened I could not sleep hardly at all.  I couldn't stop stretching my arms and legs, and felt almost like my skin was crawling.  I had to leave the bed to sleep on the couch because I was keeping my wife awake and I maybe got 2 hours of rest total.  This may have helped cause this to happen I don't know.  Last night, despite the concusion I slept in and skipped my morning practice to try and catch up on some much needed rest.  If this happens again though I'm definitely going to the doctor for a blood test just to make sure.  Thanks again.  



  • Posts: 969
What was that?
« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2008, 12:33:17 PM »
Just keep your knees slightly bent when you're standing.  People often faint from locking the knees...and people tend to lock the knees when energy is rising.[;)]

Not saying that was it...just that it could have been it.


  • Posts: 3597
What was that?
« Reply #4 on: November 11, 2008, 12:46:13 PM »
You should always go to a doctor when you have a concussion to be checked.


  • Posts: 3178
What was that?
« Reply #5 on: November 11, 2008, 04:26:36 PM »
Hey Scott,
Actually yeah for sure...I DID lock my knees, I remember that now.  I have had a bit of an issue of late with the automatic stretching of limbs and I remember really needing to stretch my legs and lock my knees right before this happened.  Not saying this was it either, but if I hadn't I might not have fallen like I did.  Who knows.  Thanks for the suggestion.

Hi Etherfish,
I've had so many concussions that it would be silly to go to the doctor.  I know exactly what they will say.  And unless I make up some continuing symptoms there's no way they will authorize an MRI or CAT scan,'d be a waste of time.  I know for the next two days I shouldn't sleep for more then an hour without being woken up , etc etc....  But today I only have a bit of a headache where I hit my head, and a sore neck and back.   All to be expected.  I'll be good in a day or two.  Thanks for the concern though.

« Last Edit: November 11, 2008, 04:28:48 PM by CarsonZi »


  • Posts: 4947
What was that?
« Reply #6 on: November 12, 2008, 01:50:38 AM »
If this was the third time this happened (over ??? months/years???)... you may want to get it checked out. It sounds like something my daughter had when she was much younger.. and it was diagnosed as border line epilepsy brought on by migraines.

You have been on a drug cocktail for years. The brain produces certain chemicals for the neurons to work right.. but when drugs are involved (that interferes and alters the neurons in the brain).. the brain does not find it necessary to do the work of producing these chemicals since it is already being supplied.  You have gone from "all" to (almost?) "nothing".. and the brain hasn't caught up with learning to produce all the necessary chemicals for the neurons to work right... it maybe your neurons are over firing.. causing the blackouts.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2008, 01:51:48 AM by Shanti »


  • Posts: 3178
What was that?
« Reply #7 on: November 12, 2008, 03:14:09 AM »
Hi Shanti,
Thank you for the thoughtful advice.  This is the first time I have had a kundalini rush knock me unconscious[;)].  And I have never "blacked out" for no reason before.  I have had many concussions, some severe (I paralyzed myself for almost 5 minutes after a skateboarding accident in 2001, have been knocked out and had concussions from getting hit in hockey, hit my head on the concrete from passing out on heroin, etc etc, but this is the first time that for no apparent reason, (other then a kundalini surge) I blacked out.  You are right about my natural opiates likely not being produced as they should yet, but I have found a natural way around that which is quite effective and requires no external supplementation.  Don't want to say what it is cause many would find it doesn't jive with AYP.  Anyways, thanks for the concern Shanti, but I am certain I've never had a migraine, or a seizure and that it's not a recurring phenomenon.  If it happens again I will go to the doctor I promise.  

« Last Edit: November 12, 2008, 03:17:24 AM by CarsonZi »


  • Posts: 40
What was that?
« Reply #8 on: November 21, 2008, 02:14:51 AM »
I had a similar experience once, and I could only compare the strength of it to a 220V electric shock (which I also experienced). It happened when I went to bed right after meditation. The following day my nerves felt like they were frying.

water + electricity (you being the source)= Shock??


  • Posts: 3178
What was that?
« Reply #9 on: November 21, 2008, 03:35:59 AM »
Haha, crazy idea RO0o.  Maybe...who knows.  I have been electrocuted badly once, noone could figure out the voltage, but it literally blew me across the room about 12 feet where I landed "stuck" in the same position I had been in when I was first shocked.  Took me almost 5 minutes to stretch out.  The experience in the shower was a little different though.  Though I really did not have any warning at all, and it happened a little slower then when I was electrocuted.  It was fast but not as fast as that.  I had enought time to think..."woah, what the hell" and then I woke up on the floor.  It hasn't happened since, but I have made sure I take plenty of rest time since then[;)]

« Last Edit: November 21, 2008, 03:45:54 AM by CarsonZi »


  • Posts: 3178
What was that?
« Reply #10 on: December 21, 2008, 07:29:08 AM »
Namaste Friends....

Today during the Group meditation I had another wierd experience, and I figured instead of starting a whole new thread I'd just use this one to post about it.

Right now I am doing about 5 minutes of asanas, 5 minutes of nauli and navi kriya, then 10 minutes of spinal breathing and 20minutes of DM.  Sometimes I throw in a little bit of bastrika, or chin pump, yoni mudra k, or samyama, but only when it is "called for" by my inner guru and I didn't do any extras today.  About halfway through my SBP a specific crease in my skin, right on the inner side of my wrist about half an inch above the wrist heading into the palm of my hand.  The crease is only about a half an inch long and perpendicular to the wrist.  Anyways about halfway through SBP this specific crease gets REALLY itchy.  Not the palm of my hand, not the wrist, but just this one small crease in my wrist.  It got really red, seemed to deepen or swell a little maybe and got incredibly itchy.  About 45 minutes later in the shower I realized there was a small hive in the crease that wasn't there before as well.  Anyways, I went back to SBP and paid as little attention to it as possible.  The itchiness grew up my arm a little and then subsided into a wierd "chest pain" on the right side of my chest where I have heard the "spiritual" heart is located.  This lasted until I moved onto meditation and the subsided.  The only after effects being the small hive found a little later on.  Just wondering if this is likely just some obstruction being released, or what?  I have been having wierd histamine like reactions as of late and am wondering if my practices are the cause and if this incident is related, or if this is probably just some obstruction and totally unrelated to the fact that I am still getting head colds with regularity.  FYI I have recently had blood and allergy tests done and my blood is fine and the only thing I am allergic to is penicillin.  

« Last Edit: December 21, 2008, 07:37:02 AM by CarsonZi »


  • Posts: 4947
What was that?
« Reply #11 on: December 21, 2008, 07:56:37 AM »
Hi Carson,
Cannot tell you much on the hives/itchy thingy.. other than purification.. and someone else will chime in I'm sure.

But there is a definite rise in heart energy/opening around.. I have been experiencing a lot of heart energy.. and quite a few people at the forum have been experiencing some kind of heart energy/opening. 'Tis the season ya know.[:)]
Thank you for sharing this.. one more heart to add to the list.

Heart openings are one of the most wonderful experiences.. so Enjoy!!![:)]

PS: Do you do jala neti? It may help clearing out your sinuses.. which may help your head colds.. If it lingers on, you may want to get it checked out by a doctor, but most of what you are experiencing sound like purification. If it is not causing you too much discomfort.. keep going. You are doing great.


  • Posts: 3178
What was that?
« Reply #12 on: December 21, 2008, 04:54:11 PM »
Hi Shanti,

The hive went away within a couple of hours.  It was no big deal, it was just something I'd never had happen to me before and I wanted to share.  We'll see what tomorrow's practice will bring[8D].

So you think that the chest pain is able to be attributed to a heart opening?  Is chest pain a common symptom of that?  The past while I have been having a bit of a gradual build up of experiences that seem to be escalating to something, but who knows what that will be[;)].  Only in the past few days have I come to feel that I really understand and can properly apply SBP. (I just finished Yogani's SBP book. Excellent.)  In my afternoon meditation today I was a little rushed for time, (had to go to work) but I really feel like I am "connecting" these days.  No major experiences, but it left me feeling so happy to be alive and very "in the moment".  I included my dogs in my rest time, and we had a short cuddle before I left for work.  It was wonderful.  I smiled all night at work, despite the fact that "The Cecil" which is the local homeless bar located next door to the homeless shelter, was shut down for liquor code violations, so the local drug dealers have nowhere  to peddle crack.  So they come into the shelter to deal.  Tonight at one point I literally kicked out about 50 cracked out guys who were all smoking it in the communal bathroom.  The whole bathroom was a "crack hotbox".  Some of the staff members had to leave because they were having bad reactions to the smoke...(getting high).  But throughout the whole night I had a big smile on my face and the love poured free and strong.   I even got several heartfelt hugs from some people who I had not met until this evening.   AYPractices have really helped to turn me into someone I can love despite all my flaws.  For the first time in my life I can actually say that I love myself.[^]  If that is a heart opening, then's happening for sure!  Haha.

About Jala neti, I used to use nasal irrigation after snorting drugs, is that the same thing?  Haha, just kidding.  No I am not practicing JN.  To do it the yogic way is it necessary to get one of those water pots with a snout thingy's?  My nasal congestion never stays long.  But it keeps coming back about every 3 weeks.  And it always starts out on the left side of my head.  Then on the second day it switches from nostril to nostril.  By day 4 I am usually just about normal again.  It's a wierd cycle that I have yet to figure out.  Who knows if I ever will???[;)]

« Last Edit: December 21, 2008, 09:13:48 PM by CarsonZi »


  • Posts: 4947
What was that?
« Reply #13 on: December 21, 2008, 10:50:13 PM »
Originally posted by CarsonZi

So you think that the chest pain is able to be attributed to a heart opening?

Originally posted by CarsonZi

 No major experiences, but it left me feeling so happy to be alive and very "in the moment".  I included my dogs in my rest time, and we had a short cuddle before I left for work.  It was wonderful.  I smiled all night at work, despite the fact that "The Cecil" which is the local homeless bar located next door to the homeless shelter, was shut down for liquor code violations, so the local drug dealers have nowhere  to peddle crack.  So they come into the shelter to deal.  Tonight at one point I literally kicked out about 50 cracked out guys who were all smoking it in the communal bathroom.  The whole bathroom was a "crack hotbox".  Some of the staff members had to leave because they were having bad reactions to the smoke...(getting high).  But throughout the whole night I had a big smile on my face and the love poured free and strong.   I even got several heartfelt hugs from some people who I had not met until this evening.

[:)] What do you think?[:)]
Originally posted by CarsonZi

 Is chest pain a common symptom of that?

Yes it is.

Originally posted by CarsonZi

 No I am not practicing JN.  To do it the yogic way is it necessary to get one of those water pots with a snout thingy's?  

Here is what the FAQ says:

Jala neti, or nasal wash is an age-old yogic shatkarma technique used for cleansing the nasal passages and sinuses. It is generally performed with a neti pot (available at yoga supply store or any drug store). The neti pot is filled with a mixture of clean warm water and pure salt (without any additives like iodine) and run through one nasal passage, over the back edge of the nasal septum (the divider between left and right nostrils), and back out through the other nostril. The salt content (which needs to be adjusted) will determine the comfort of this practice.

The neti pot can be replaced by a bowl, and the water is drawn up directly through our nasal passages with negative pressure from the lungs, rather than a neti pot, which relies on gravity to pass water through the nasal passages. Neti can also be combined with amaroli.

The neti pot helps a lot when you start.. but you can do it without the the neti pot as described above.

PS: This link may help .. says "I know NeilMed's Sinus Rinse it available at Shoppers Drug Mart, Rexall and Zellers in Canada" and NeilMed is the brand we use in the US, and it is not very expensive. Hope this helps.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2008, 11:16:47 PM by Shanti »


  • Posts: 3178
What was that?
« Reply #14 on: December 22, 2008, 02:54:32 AM »
Thank you for the confirmations Shanti.  
I always kinda expected that any kind of "opening" would be incredibly dramatic and maybe a little more condensed in time frame?  I guess I just figured it would happen all at once and would be something completely undeniable.  I think that the fact that it is slowly happening over a longer period of time makes it a little harder for me to discern the cumulative effects of my practices.  But after reading the sentences you highlighted out of my own posting and thinking about where I was at a year ago I think it is obvious what is happening.  Thank you for helping to point it out to me.  But where's the "magic bullet" already? Haha.

Thank you also for the info on Jala Neti.  I have read about it many times, but have always kinda dismissed it along with all the amaroli's and dietary practices etc. because I am 1. a bit lazy and 2. always short on time, and 3. I guess I never really gave these practices much creedence.  At least nowhere near what I give DM or SBP.  But if it acutally makes a difference, (and I know it will because there are occasions where I leave out SBP because I am too stuffed up that day to breathe through my nose at all) then I should really get ontop of it.  I assume the practice is done in the morning upon awakening and in the evening just before bed?  


P.S. Thanks for the info on where to get the rinse.....Calgary has a real lack of "yoga shops".....The most "yoga" it gets here are commercial stores like "LuLuLemon" and all they sell is clothing and mats. Arg, haha.