Author Topic: self pacing revisited  (Read 752 times)


  • Posts: 206
self pacing revisited
« on: November 04, 2008, 04:21:05 AM »
So I finally gave in to more self pacing. My Bhakti is stubborn and just wanted to push through all the difficulties but I have been so agitated lately.  I actually wonder if I am picking up the energy of the collective because of the elections, which ends today. Yea!

So I am doing bare bones practice, 2 min. SB, 5 min. DM and one quick repetition of the Sutras, followed by rest.  The whole thing is less than 20 min. and surprisingly [:D] it is the longest 20 minutes of my day.  It is as if I am still doing the longer routine. Time really does dialate, I am sure of it now.  I find more silence doing this short routine too.  I guess it is obvious these two things are connected.  Still feel quite wired but it has only been 3 days so I will see how things go.  

Love to all,


  • Posts: 3178
self pacing revisited
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2008, 04:40:45 AM »
Hi Jill,

I had to self-pace a bit extra this past week as well...In fact I had to almost cut out pratices all together this weekend.  And I get the time dilation thing too.....sometimes when in meditation I completely lose all track of time, and honestly can't tell whether 5 seconds has past or 5 hours.  Usually turns out to be about ten minutes I find.  I get this especially strong during samyama.  I will get "lost" between sutra's and have a hard time coming back to the next one because I can't figure out how long it has been since the last one, and usually I forget which sutra or repetition I am on.  I'm pretty sure it's all just another phase to be worked through though.  Keep actively self pacing as you are and I'm sure things will smooth themselves out in no time.



  • Posts: 206
self pacing revisited
« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2008, 09:30:37 AM »
We could be twins Carson!  Sounds so familiar to my own experiences.  Tell me a little bit about how you got here and what practices you did before. I wonder if our constitutions/brains are similarly wired.

Best wishes,

PS I read also about the songs stuck in your head. Same here. I found out something that helps but it is not AYP. Write me off list if you are curious.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2008, 01:59:02 PM by jillatay »


  • Posts: 3178
self pacing revisited
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2008, 01:07:00 PM »
Hi Jill....
I've always wanted to be a twin!!  Hurray!  haha.[;)]  I got here by doing a Google search for "Kriya Ibogaine" as I had recently started doing the SRF Kriya Yoga lessons and was looking into doing an Ibogaine treatment to get off of methadone.  I have really no yogic background.  I was born into a very fundamentalist Christian family and was a "born again" Christian until about the age of 12.  At that point I started to smoke weed, and my whole outlook on religion changed drastically.  I started reading all the other major world religions that I could, from Buddhism to Bwiti, saw all the similarities and drew my own conclusions.  Eventually I started a religion of my own with a few close friends called "Zi".  (Hence the name CarsonZi)  At 15 I moved out of home and started snowboarding semi-prosoon after and doing my high school by corrospondence.  Eventually I got really tired of the "scene" and the snowboarding job and I decided to actually graduate from a school for real, and I moved to Calgary to graduate.  From there I started a band, opened a recording studio, got hooked on IV meth and heroin, got engaged and "divorced", then got on the methadone program, ended the band, took a regular day job and about three years later I am now married, working a day job, and now a night job at a homeless shelter and practicing AYP 2 hours a day.  I have a high IQ, don't want to say here exactly what, but it's higher than average, and I read a LOT.  Not sure what else I should include here....Let me know if you have any more questions and I'll try my best to answer.  I will email you tomorrow on the "stuck in the head song thing."  

Love,(your twin[;)])
« Last Edit: November 04, 2008, 01:09:54 PM by CarsonZi »