Author Topic: I AM mantra  (Read 6588 times)


  • Posts: 3001
I AM mantra
« Reply #75 on: October 22, 2008, 05:00:33 AM »
namaste my friends, just my 2 cents on the matter.

if it's invented or not i personaly do not care, cz the simple truth is it works for me.

i've been through several systems of spiritual practice in my life and found some good results in most of them but nothing as i've found in ayp.

it just feels like it's home, like i've found something i've been missing.

ayp simply works for me, i just go for it twice daily and it takes care of itself pure bliss conciousness, ecstatic conductivity, outpouring divine love it's just there and it's more beautiful then imagined and it just keeps on getting better even with the ups and downs sometimes and the solution for these is self pacing in my case.

now concerning egotism, i'd say it's the other way arround it's more of a socialism a let go of the ego.

if someone finds a treasure and doesn't keep it to himself does this make him an egoistic person? i guess not.

anyways ayam exists in mantra books but is written AYAM and i've searched for it's meaning once and found it but i can't remember it now don't wanna give too much attention for it's meaning [;)] just the vibratory qualities.

now if i told you that i've found that the name of God in arabic Allah has the same vibratory effects in his end like the mantra Namah and told you to just say or chant Ahhhh and that would work on opening your heart chakra does this make me an egoistic person? and i'm saying that out of my personal experience and a suffi friend of mine.

i'm only doing ayp's second mantra enhancement for now, the chanting or repeating or talawat el zekr of the name allah or the mantra ah was a practice which i've been doing b4 ayp.

shri shri iam iam is working just fine for me, from the first time i introduced it i went into samadhi...

light and love,



  • Posts: 283
I AM mantra
« Reply #76 on: October 22, 2008, 02:23:41 PM »


I have found that the "shri shri iam iam" has a lot of ecstatic conductivity, thanks for the tip.


Originally posted by Ananda

namaste my friends, just my 2 cents on the matter.

if it's invented or not i personaly do not care, cz the simple truth is it works for me.

i've been through several systems of spiritual practice in my life and found some good results in most of them but nothing as i've found in ayp.

it just feels like it's home, like i've found something i've been missing.

ayp simply works for me, i just go for it twice daily and it takes care of itself pure bliss conciousness, ecstatic conductivity, outpouring divine love it's just there and it's more beautiful then imagined and it just keeps on getting better even with the ups and downs sometimes and the solution for these is self pacing in my case.

now concerning egotism, i'd say it's the other way arround it's more of a socialism a let go of the ego.

if someone finds a treasure and doesn't keep it to himself does this make him an egoistic person? i guess not.

anyways ayam exists in mantra books but is written AYAM and i've searched for it's meaning once and found it but i can't remember it now don't wanna give too much attention for it's meaning [;)] just the vibratory qualities.

now if i told you that i've found that the name of God in arabic Allah has the same vibratory effects in his end like the mantra Namah and told you to just say or chant Ahhhh and that would work on opening your heart chakra does this make me an egoistic person? and i'm saying that out of my personal experience and a suffi friend of mine.

i'm only doing ayp's second mantra enhancement for now, the chanting or repeating or talawat el zekr of the name allah or the mantra ah was a practice which i've been doing b4 ayp.

shri shri iam iam is working just fine for me, from the first time i introduced it i went into samadhi...

light and love,



  • Posts: 3001
I AM mantra
« Reply #77 on: October 23, 2008, 02:12:24 AM »
so true neli, the same goes for the basic mantra Iam which is what made it possible for us to experience the beauty of the 1st mantra enhancement in the best way there is.


  • Posts: 283
I AM mantra
« Reply #78 on: October 23, 2008, 03:33:52 PM »

Ananda and all,

I also practice the I am, but in my case it works in my mind, giving me strenght, I mean I haven't felt the ecstatic conductivity of the first mantra yet, unless I use the enhancement. Maybe is very subtle.
I have also found that grounding is very important, if one gets overload, one becomes very irritable. Walking is one of the best things for grounding.[:p]
I would like to know why does people gets overload? have you ever felt overload? I think I have felt that, when I feel like grumpy with people or friends. I know that self-pace is essential, but in my case is very hard, cause I'm used to long meditations.[:(]

We can see the energy working inside us, if one see our interaction with others, as well.[:D]

But how can we differ the overloading with external happenings?? By our reactions?[?] What if we are incited by others ?[?] Do we have to put the other cheek to please other's rage ?[?]

Thanks for your advices.


Originally posted by Ananda

so true neli, the same goes for the basic mantra Iam which is what made it possible for us to experience the beauty of the 1st mantra enhancement in the best way there is.


  • Posts: 3001
I AM mantra
« Reply #79 on: October 24, 2008, 05:25:59 AM »
hi neli, it's actually  quite plain and simple; your problem is that you meditate too much and you should cut that out.

try 20 or 30 minutes at morning and evening time, go for that give it a try and concider getting a good amount of rest b4 you get from you deep meditation session.

plus doing the shri shri iam iam mantra directly is overdoing in practice as well it's going too far.

it's like pressing too hard on the gas pedal and changing the gear from 1 to 5 at one shot and that simply doesn't work.

take things slowly, start with iam mantra at 1st to easy up your nervous system and give it some time.

i don't think that ecstatic conductivity and lights and so on is always a good sign, i can say that out of my yoni mudra practice which sounded so good that i overstepped myself with it's practice which led me later to a case of pain in all my sushumna and it was obvious that some self pacing was needed so i completely cutted off the practice and am trying it from time to time until i get settled.

take things easily there's no need to rush just follow yogani's lessons step by step and you'll get there.



  • Posts: 283
I AM mantra
« Reply #80 on: October 24, 2008, 04:23:11 PM »


Thanks for your reply.

The problem is that I cannot low the speed from 5 to 1 at one shot, I mean I have lessened the time, to one hour, or one hour and half. I mean in 20 minutes my mind is beginning to be quite, or beginning to calm down. Maybe I have to lessen to one hour, instead of one and a half.

The good point is that I have noticed the overloading symptoms, like irritation, bad mood, insomnia, and know now that walking a lot helps to get rid of the overloading symptoms.

I am doing the I am mantra for 30 seconds or more, I'll try to cut off the shri mantra for a while.

I feel like a racing car trying to run at first gear, its quite hard for me. Maybe I am an hyperactive person, or evolved into that.

Yesterday for the first time I felt the ecstatic conductivity on my fingers, with the I am mantra, its not that I am waiting to feel something, maybe it is that I have always felt something and then it stopped suddenly and I felt strange.

I am trying to control this hyperactivity, even if people are not nice (mostly when driving), I also drive slower than before.

The only physical symptom that I have felt lately is the hyperactivity, before I was not that. But the long walks have helped me to lessen this symptom.

Thanks for your advice. I'll try to do my best.

Originally posted by Ananda

hi neli, it's actually  quite plain and simple; your problem is that you meditate too much and you should cut that out.

try 20 or 30 minutes at morning and evening time, go for that give it a try and concider getting a good amount of rest b4 you get from you deep meditation session.

plus doing the shri shri iam iam mantra directly is overdoing in practice as well it's going too far.

it's like pressing too hard on the gas pedal and changing the gear from 1 to 5 at one shot and that simply doesn't work.

take things slowly, start with iam mantra at 1st to easy up your nervous system and give it some time.

i don't think that ecstatic conductivity and lights and so on is always a good sign, i can say that out of my yoni mudra practice which sounded so good that i overstepped myself with it's practice which led me later to a case of pain in all my sushumna and it was obvious that some self pacing was needed so i completely cutted off the practice and am trying it from time to time until i get settled.

take things easily there's no need to rush just follow yogani's lessons step by step and you'll get there.



  • Posts: 3001
I AM mantra
« Reply #81 on: October 26, 2008, 01:16:51 AM »
i'm sorry my friend if i am going to be too obvious and clear of what will come out of me, bcz i'm saying it for your own good.

the way you're going at it is simply chaotic, you wont have no good results by overloading all the time.

you will have a damaged nervous system that needs a lot of care and no running in the world will take the overload symptoms off when the ... hits the fan.

sorry to be saying this but you need to put some order into your life and follow a specific system for spiritual practice one which is safe like yogani's ayp or which ever system you find most suited for you.

plus once the 1st enhancement is added, there's no need to practice iam mantra alone it's included in the enhancement.

if you want spiritual evolution then you have to take the safe way, a structured way.

you need to self pace it's easier then you think some people do cut off all practices at once sometimes just take hold of yourself and restart again step by step.

it doesn't matter how long we sit in meditation, what matters is that we give our nervous system the necessary time and tools to purify itself otherwise if we step over the edge and overload then we are holding back our spiritual evolution plus hurting ourselves and instead of going to the world bcz of our daily practices we would go irritated and not feeling so well...

i hope my words weren't too hard, i meant them in good intention.

namaste my friend,



  • Posts: 718
I AM mantra
« Reply #82 on: October 26, 2008, 05:52:22 AM »
it doesn't matter how long we sit in meditation, what matters is that we give our nervous system the necessary time and tools to purify itself otherwise if we step over the edge and overload then we are holding back our spiritual evolution

What justification have you for saying that overloading holds back spiritual evolution? Just curious thats all as I've never read that anywhere else.


  • Posts: 641
I AM mantra
« Reply #83 on: October 26, 2008, 06:18:43 AM »
Hi riptiz,

Yogani says that all the time as well. And I think it is common sense: overloading symptoms can deter one from the spiritual path or oblige one to make detours, which will further take more time until things stabilise again. So better not get destabilised in the first place, no? [;)]


  • Posts: 718
I AM mantra
« Reply #84 on: October 26, 2008, 07:17:36 AM »
Well I still don't think that because Yogani says it, means that it is fact.
I was once a member of a reiki forum and happened to say that if one gives Reiki (or energy) to someone who is in a flare up (from MS or similar illneess,)then it is a likelehood that you will cause the person discomfort.This happened to someone when I attuned them to Reiki while having a flare up.
A lady said I spoke nonsense as Reiki does no harm and several days later in a post said that giving Reiki to someone who had cancer using quartz crystal was dangerous.When I questioned her source(remember she said Reiki does no harm)she said her teacher told her.I fell about laughing.We are taking things on faith but it does not necessarily follow that it is correct information.


  • Posts: 3001
I AM mantra
« Reply #85 on: October 26, 2008, 07:35:08 AM »
hello riptiz and yoga is life, it comes down first to common sense too much of anything either be it bad or good will end up with unlikeable results.

second i speak out of my personal experience and the experiences of others i've met on the path.

3rd such long spiritual activities with the presence of irritation especialy if someone is doing pranayamas might lead into horrible case scenarios like madness hallucinations and sometimes death and this stuff doesn't exist only in the world of yoga but as well in suffism where a person loses touch with what is real and what is not.

take for example overloading with adding practices: for someone who is looking for the tools to get enlightened finding ayp is like being a kid in a candy store and if you eat too much candy well 1st you'll get sick and scnd your teeth will hurt as hell and you probably wont eat candy for a long time.

the same thing goes for a person who adds a lot of powerful spiritual practices into a nervous system who is not purified enough to deal with the energy eminating from these practices which will lead into pain and discomfort.

so why go the hard way when we take the easy way which will bring more results than the other one and our lifes would be affected in a more beautiful way.




  • Posts: 6025
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I AM mantra
« Reply #86 on: October 26, 2008, 07:52:36 AM »
Originally posted by riptiz

it doesn't matter how long we sit in meditation, what matters is that we give our nervous system the necessary time and tools to purify itself otherwise if we step over the edge and overload then we are holding back our spiritual evolution

What justification have you for saying that overloading holds back spiritual evolution? Just curious thats all as I've never read that anywhere else.

Hi Riptiz:

The simple answer is that if we overdo, we can get to a degree of discomfort with symptoms that we can't practice anymore for a time, maybe a long time if symptoms become severe. It takes time to recover from excesses.  That is why I say overdoing can delay our progress, and that less can be more in spiritual practice. I think many have had this experience to one degree or other. It is part of the learning curve we climb to develop our skill in self-pacing.  

It is the same with anything, and that is what is behind the saying that we can have too much of a good thing. It never happened to you? [:)]

The guru is in you.  


  • Posts: 1843
I AM mantra
« Reply #87 on: October 26, 2008, 08:11:23 AM »

I strongly advise you to self-pace too, Neli. Ananda is not saying what he is to be right - he says it because his experience has shown him that it is so.

As for myself - I have had a lot of ecstatic conductivity over the past 4 years, and in the case of deep meditation less meditation gave more profound results. Balance is the key. When there is balance between sitting practises and the life we lead in between practises....then results happen. Steady we progress on this road. Like the tortoise we carry our home with us wherever we go. All along there is progress. All along we are That.

In other words.....with ...i am....20 min for just the meditation is enough. Twice a day. Don't forget that the impact on the nervous system continues through the whole day and night...whether we are aware of it or not.

If you cannot calm down in 20 min....then you could start your session with exercise....and then simply allow time for yourself to get used to "nothing is happening if I sit only for 20 min". Something is happening still.

But the most important thing as far as my experience goes when it comes to the fact that when the energy is becomes much more difficult to acces the inner silence. And that is why we sit in the first dip ourselves in the ocean of silence. Not to bathe in ecstacy.

Your difficulty with "not calming down during the first 20 min" to me itself a sign of constant overload.
Reduce to 20 min anyhow.....and give it time.....what happens if you sit just for 20 min? Other than the feeling of not calming anything else happening if you sit for only 20 min?

Hope you will consider doing AYP the way it is suggested. At least for a while...until you can judge for yourself. And remember - it is going to feel "strange"..."off"....."wrong"......"as if it isn't working".......But stick with it until this fase passes. And then you can judge.

I wish you all the best.


  • Posts: 1843
I AM mantra
« Reply #88 on: October 26, 2008, 08:12:56 AM »
Hi Yogani....we cross posted [:D]


  • Posts: 641
I AM mantra
« Reply #89 on: October 26, 2008, 08:44:05 AM »
Well I still don't think that because Yogani says it, means that it is fact.

Hi Dave. No, I did not say that. You just wrote that it was the first time you read that, so I was trying to make the point that even Yogani, in his lessons, had made the point that overdoing could delay progress.

For me, I don't believe him because he says so, but I believe him because it makes sense to me, from my own experiences. I think it is common sense (at least for me!). Moderation in all things, as they say! Especially if they are too powerful. It can be hard, I agree, but you can also learn the lesson the hard way and then you'll know better next time for sure! But again, to each its own.