Author Topic: The Opening and Closing Spirals  (Read 843 times)


  • Posts: 253
The Opening and Closing Spirals
« on: August 11, 2008, 08:32:05 AM »
An excellent technique that I learned from Reiki Master John Harvey Gray is a slightly modified version of the spiral meditation published in the book "Joy's Way" by W. Brugh Joy.  

This technique is called "The Opening and Closing Spirals"; it is not Reiki, but it enhances the Reiki treatment.

The Opening Spiral opens the client's subtle energy system to receive more Reiki.

The Closing Spiral seals the Reiki into the client's subtle energy system to extend the healing benefits.

The Opening Spiral is done before the Reiki treatment.

The Closing Spiral is done after the Reiki treatment.

OPENING SPIRAL (opens client up to take in more Reiki):

(1) Hold one hand in the air over the client's heart chakra, 3 or 4 inches above their body, until you feel an energetic connection (all of these positions are in the air a few inches above the body except for the knee position).

(2) Move that hand, in a clockwise direction, to the solar plexus, & wait for connection.

(3) Move that hand, in a clockwise direction, to the upper sternum (the high heart), & wait for connection.

(4) Move that hand, in a clockwise direction, to the spleen, & wait for connection.

(5) Move that hand, in a clockwise direction, to the lower abdomen, & wait for connection.

(6) Move that hand, in a clockwise direction, to the throat, & wait for connection.

(7) Move that hand, in a clockwise direction, to the root (in the air well above the body), & wait for connection.

(8) Move that hand, in a clockwise direction, to the third eye (center of the forehead), & wait for connection.

(9) Move that hand, in a clockwise direction, to one of the knees and gently place it in contact with the kneecap, while simultaneously placing the other hand gently in contact with the other kneecap, & wait for connection.

(10) Move the hand you were using for the non-knee positions to the crown, & wait for connection.

(11) Hold both hands at the feet, in the air a few inches away from the soles of the feet, palms facing the soles of the feet, & wait for connection.

(12) Move the hand you were using for the non-knee positions to the transpersonal point (a point in space several inches above the crown), position the hand so the palm is facing away from the crown, wave the hand in a sweeping motion away from the crown three times thereby stroking through the transpersonal point.

After the Opening Spiral has been done, the Reiki treatment is given.

After the Reiki treatment has been given, the Closing Spiral is done.

CLOSING SPIRAL (seals Reiki into client to extend healing benefits): Do the OPENING SPIRAL in reverse, starting with the technique you performed at the transpersonal point, and moving in a counter-clockwise direction through all of the OPENING SPIRAL's positions in reverse, until you come to the heart chakra. After holding the one hand over the heart chakra until a connection forms, add your other hand by holding it over the first hand in the air several inches above the first hand. Keep the two hands like that until you have a sense of completion, then proceed with smoothing the client's aura to complete the session.
