Author Topic: Kundalini Cleansing  (Read 917 times)


  • Posts: 572
Kundalini Cleansing
« on: July 18, 2007, 03:56:55 AM »
Okay, this is kind of weird, but lately I've been having all of these dreams that I was other people.  I know that this isn't uncommon to believe in past lives, etc., (although I'm not convinced of my belief on this yet - don't roll your eyes, yogani: [8D] (kidding), but sometimes I need to be hit over the head with a sledge hammer: [B)] [:D] ).  Anyway, these dreams have really really increased to the point that there isn't a night that goes by that I don't dream that I've been other people.  

One night I'm a man in a the 18th century, complete with a wife and kids.  A moment later, I'm a teenage girl having an ever so dramatic teen argument; later, I'm a little boy, then someone else.  Usually there are successive dreams where I'm different people in one night.

Each day, within my perenium area, there has been like a very strong internal itching sensation, that's been increasing, to the point that I have to focus on this area and am compelled to press there when masturbating.  I mean, really compelled, because it's so intense. And very gradually the ecstatic feelings have been increasing, climbing up my lower back.

Anyway, I know of the perineum area and ecstatic conductivity, but it's been increasing and there seems to be a connection to these dreams, or maybe there is a cleansing going on.  I just don't understand why it's necessary to have snap shots of these past lives brought to my consciousness?  Or do you think that they don't need to be brought to consciousness and I'm just tuning into the cleansing process when asleep?

« Last Edit: July 18, 2007, 03:58:31 AM by VIL »


  • Posts: 443
Kundalini Cleansing
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2007, 07:46:28 PM »
Concerning past lives and dreams: such experiences may be
actuall past lives of your true self, but it is also possible
that you experience/share a live of another person.
I don't know if it is important for you to find this out,
for me personally it would be important to find out what kind
of lesson is there to be learned.

Concerning cleansing: I personally am a bit reluctant to use the
word "cleansing", because it tends to assume that there is
something dirty/sinful in us. I would like to call the process
as "evolution / growth / development of the nervous system"

All the best


  • Posts: 5
Kundalini Cleansing
« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2007, 07:53:59 AM »

This bit about dreaming that you're someone else,I do that too. (And my perineum has been acting weird, too.)

I'm no expert, so please take this as something from someone who is not entirely dense, but is not C.G. Jung, either.

Maybe it could be that part of your unconscious mind is putting you in its place--kind of a "How would you feel if you were in this position?" dream.

There's a school of thought that says dreams are entirely meaningless and utterly random, that anyone who tries to interpret some meaning from dreams is engaging in total nonesense. But that is B.S. Dreams mean things, although they can be extremely hard to interpret.

The best tools I found for assisting in understanding dreams are Jung's "Symbols of Transformation" and the Penguin Dictionary of Symbolism.

« Last Edit: November 04, 2007, 08:33:17 AM by mr.regular »