Author Topic: Oil Pulling  (Read 2011 times)


  • Posts: 100
Oil Pulling
« Reply #15 on: August 09, 2007, 04:37:21 AM »
Can anybody give us an update on how the oil-pulling is going?  thanks


  • Posts: 604
Oil Pulling
« Reply #16 on: August 21, 2007, 01:33:44 PM »
Hi Sparkle,
Was just rushing off, when I caught sight of this. 'Oil Pulling' as you call it, is an age-old Ayurvedic technique, done first thing in the morning, even before brushing. Cold pressed sesame oil is recommended.

It is good for killing toxic microbes, improving dental health considerably. It also reduces face aging (superficial wrinkles etc). It detoxifies, yes... but everybody needs to self pace according to their own bodies, just as in AYP. If there's a lot of stuff coming out at once, it can be very uncomfortable. On examination, I think it to be a good add on in physical cleansing and if practised holistically in combination with yoga.

I have done this off and on and discovered: whiter, stronger teeth, nicer mouth odour, expectoration of phlegm, clear head, and a lighter, more energetic feel. It made my meditation session deeper and lighter too. But I have just included this as part of my daily regimen- will post back after a period to let you know of long term.

Cleaning nasal passages with warm salty water (neti - a yogic shatkarma kriya) daily helps with allergies (you mentioned your wife and child). Apple cider vinegar, which should be easily available in the West, has also reportedly very positive effects in controlling allergies. You might want to explore that if you haven't already. (Google it, and you'll get lots of info).

Thanks for posting about this... meant to do it myself, and you've done it! [:)]


  • Posts: 1464
Oil Pulling
« Reply #17 on: August 22, 2007, 08:47:59 AM »
Hi sadhak
Nice to see you, havn't seen you around for a while.

Thanks for that info about neti and apple cidar vinegar for the allergies. Will present it to wife and daughter and see what happens [:)]
I have done this off and on and discovered: whiter, stronger teeth, nicer mouth odour, expectoration of phlegm, clear head, and a lighter, more energetic feel. It made my meditation session deeper and lighter too. But I have just included this as part of my daily regimen- will post back after a period to let you know of long term.

I will try the seseme oil for a change, the sunflower does not seem to do much for me.[:)]


  • Posts: 604
Oil Pulling
« Reply #18 on: August 23, 2007, 03:35:43 PM »
Hi Sparkle,
It's nice to be here and catch up with you and everyone else... just don't manage to keep it up. So till I can be more regular, I make furtive trips here whenever.

I'd be interested to know if anything works... apple cider vinegar and sesame oil[:)].