Author Topic: Enlightenment Milestones from The Fifth Agreement  (Read 728 times)


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Enlightenment Milestones from The Fifth Agreement
« on: February 08, 2010, 01:36:50 AM »
Don Miguel Ruiz is coming to Toronto to do a weekend workshop this coming April so I thought it would probably be a good idea to read his new book, the Fifth Agreement, which is the sequel to his international bestseller The Four Agreements.

I have always liked Don Miguel's books, but I was pleasantly surprised how much I am enjoying The Fifth Agreement and would go as far to say it is one of the best books that I have ever read of this (spiritual) type. It really helps present things from a fresh perspective helping to expand inner silence/ awareness.

Around the mid-point, he presents what we here at AYP would regard as enlightenment milestones, but from the Toltec perspective.

The Toltec perspective regards everything as a dream, so the first milestone for them is "the dream of the first attention".

Essentially it is the stage, according to the Toltecs, where most humans live, believing everything they hear and suffering for it. Little or no inner-silence and being thrown about from one thought to the next and basically living in hell on earth.

The second milestone is "the dream of the second attention". Basically at this stage of evolution, the dreaming human begins to become aware of what they are dreaming, no longer liking it and wanting to change it, it is the warrior stage in the Toltec tradition. In this stage the human tries to recover their "authenticity" to take back all the power invested in thoughts. So with awareness slowly seeing past each and every belief that makes a person suffer. From my perspective a lot of inquiry would be used during this stage.

The third milestone was the most interesting for me. It is called "The dream of the third attention", in Don Miguel's words: "the dream of the masters". The war ends at this stage and when it ends is with "the last judgment". In other words the very last time we judge ourselves or anyone else. The day we surrender and accept ourselves and everyone as they are. Basically, enlightenment, the dream of heaven on earth.

Anyway, a great read, I recommend it highly![:)]