Author Topic: The descent of knoweldge enlightening the body  (Read 831 times)


  • Posts: 1589
The descent of knoweldge enlightening the body
« on: July 22, 2009, 03:11:35 AM »
Wanted to share some interesting observations on the impact of daily practices on the body.

By the use of the term "practices" it is meant to convey any actions in alignment with the expansion of awareness. All of our actions in a given day can be seen as a practice since our actions dictate our inner experience of life.

Looking back a few years, when the inner energy openings first occurred there was a massive appetite for all things spiritual: literature, retreats, conversation, company etc. This went on for the longest time, years, there was also lots of activity during sleep where this information was being absorbed at a tremendous rate.  

Slowly a saturation point was reached for me, new things and new angles are perpetually available, but it all became different manifestations of the same knowledge of oneness for lack of a better term.

Then a distancing from knowledge was required, no reading, writing, and far fewer conversations, this knowledge had to be lived. So from the head, it descended into the throat where all interactions and words spoken had to come into alignment with awareness and the flow of life. Simple is the recipe; when words spoken deviate from the flow of life, painful consequences would teach this body-consciousness the way. The pain from acting against the flow of life or from acting in a divisive way was a constant invitation to come into alignment with awareness and reality. So much gratitude for pain, how else would I know?

Then the knowledge had to be lived more deeply, not just in the mental knowing that other people's words and actions can't affect our heart and that only we affect our own emotional experience, but rather remaining in a state of perpetual love despite the actions of those around us. A tall order, loving in every moment, never recoiling or denying anyone due to their actions, not even in a micro-moment of time when an undesirable truth is heard that threatens old mental patterns and the sense of "me"/ that collection of random thoughts formerly known as the ego.

So the knowledge of mind leads to the deeper understanding of heart, remaining ever more open to the flow of love, relaxing the body and loosening the physical tensions in the body long held that have taken so much tremendous unconscious effort to maintain.

The ecstatic energy formerly held in place from the physical tightness in the body then flows increasingly, directly correlated to how much of the long held resistance and tension in and surrounding the spinal cord remains. The flow feeds the body, satisfying a natural craving resulting in more relaxation, less muscular tension and so on.

Closer connection to the senses and more vivid and intensified experience of life through them drawing attention away from thoughts and into enjoyment of the experience of living this dream. Mindfulness of actions speeds this process solidifying the desired habit of living perpetually now.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2009, 02:12:25 PM by Anthem »


  • Posts: 3001
The descent of knoweldge enlightening the body
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2009, 02:45:08 AM »


  • Posts: 1464
The descent of knoweldge enlightening the body
« Reply #2 on: September 18, 2009, 03:30:35 AM »
Beautiful Andrew, when's the book coming out[:)]


  • Posts: 1843
The descent of knoweldge enlightening the body
« Reply #3 on: September 28, 2009, 06:00:27 PM »
Thank you Andrew [:)]

That was a joy to read [|)]