Author Topic: cant rid pressure in my head  (Read 859 times)


  • Posts: 23
cant rid pressure in my head
« on: July 20, 2009, 08:40:23 AM »
I had a spontaneous kundalini awakening a little over a year ago. Many of the overwhelming and strange expierences have settled down, and the  ones i am left with, i actually like, such as seing auras on people, and an increased sense of intuition with chakras, ect.

    For a few months, i have been expierencing pressure in the top of my head.  I tried everything to release it, i would try to send it somewhere else, which would yeild momentary results, or i would direcly focus on it hoping to pop it out of my head, and nothing seemed to work.
    I began the daily spinal breathing, and i am mantra a week or so ago, and that was the first time i felt it go away, and i was like a new person.  I have continued with teh daily practice, but find the pressure comes back, i deal with it on almost a daily basis.  If i can go sit and meditate, it sometimes will go away, but not always.  

    Is there any specific exercises i can do to release the pressure?  Is this normal, and will it pass on its own?  Or will my spinal breathing take care of this in time?  Please help, this is driving me bonkers, i feel super aware, intelligent, intuitive one moment, but out of the blue, i will ahve this pressure rise up and than i feel mentally sluggish, un intuitive, and cant think straight.


  • Posts: 3071
    • Advanced Yoga Practices
cant rid pressure in my head
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2009, 10:55:37 AM »
Hi Maynard and welcome to the forum.

What you are experiencing is very common among people who have spontaneous kundalini awkenings. The symptoms are of course those of a premature crown opening. You can't make the energy go away by focussing on the crown, and it is not possible to 'pop' it out of the top of the head, although it often feels like you should be able to. In fact, focussing on the crown at all will make the crown open further, and make the symptoms worse. This is because energy follows attention, as much as it follows intention.

A gentle mix of deep meditation and spinal breathing between the root and the brow should help to ease the problem. Also, make sure you are doing a lot of grounding practices and are being fully active in normal life. You may find it helps to avoid sex altogether for a while, as sexual activity stimulates kundalini energy.

If you find that the spiritual practices accentuate the symptoms too much, then cut down on the times, or leave them altogether for a few days or weeks until you are feeling grounded enough to pick them up again.

Here are a few links you may find useful:

Kundalini and a premature crown opening:

Self pacing:

Grounding practices:

Good luck,



  • Posts: 23
cant rid pressure in my head
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2009, 12:39:15 AM »
Thanks Christi, very helpful info, i certainly wont be focusing on my crown anymore.  One question i have, you said to exercise, which i do.  I actually exercise very intensly 5 out of 6 days, for mixed martial arts, do you think too much exercise can cause the excess of Kundalini?  

Also, my premature crown opening..  Does that mean that my crown will undergo some refining and will balance out eventually, or am i in for a slew of symptoms, i have read some teffifying stories about premature crown openings.  WOuld i have already expierenced the intense stuff if it were to happen?  Or could it still be in the mail?  THanks for yor prompt reply!


  • Posts: 23
cant rid pressure in my head
« Reply #3 on: July 21, 2009, 12:59:26 AM »
also i find it hard to not focus on something, would it be wise to focus on my  third eye throughout the day, or should i try to break the habbit of focusing on any chakra?


  • Posts: 3071
    • Advanced Yoga Practices
cant rid pressure in my head
« Reply #4 on: July 21, 2009, 03:01:27 AM »
Hi Maynard,
Thanks Christi, very helpful info, i certainly wont be focusing on my crown anymore. One question i have, you said to exercise, which i do. I actually exercise very intensly 5 out of 6 days, for mixed martial arts, do you think too much exercise can cause the excess of Kundalini?

Yes, intensive excersise can stimulate kundalini energy, so you may want to cut back on that for a while. Walking, for this reason, can be a lot more grounding energetically than a full workout. A true martial arts master knows when it is time to walk. [8D]

Also, my premature crown opening.. Does that mean that my crown will undergo some refining and will balance out eventually, or am i in for a slew of symptoms, i have read some teffifying stories about premature crown openings. WOuld i have already expierenced the intense stuff if it were to happen? Or could it still be in the mail? THanks for yor prompt reply!

With the right spiritual practices, combined with self-pacing and grounding techniques, you will be fine. A few surprises may still be in the mail, but I am sure it will be nothing you can't handle. Usually, the severe cases of kundalini awakening are severe from the offset, or are made increasingly worse by a lack of knowledge. Luckily, we do now have the knowledge on how to handle premature awakenings. This website is playing a large part in bringing that knowledge to the wider world.

also i find it hard to not focus on something, would it be wise to focus on my third eye throughout the day, or should i try to break the habbit of focusing on any chakra?

It's a bit like when someone says "don't think about sheep"... It becomes the only thing you can think about. [:)] Some activity at the crown will be normal. It may go away, or it may not, depending on how the process unfolds. The important thing is not to work with it. Focussing on it with the intention of making the energy pop out of the top, would count as working with it. Meditating on the crown would also count as working with it. If you feel that the level of energy moving through the crown is reaching uncomfortable levels, then focussing on the third eye can help. A slight raising of the eyes towards the brow chakra with the eyes closed can also help to redirect the energy to the brow insted of the crown. In general though, avoid focussing on any chakras throughout the day, and simply live an active life.

« Last Edit: July 21, 2009, 04:14:55 AM by Christi »


  • Posts: 545
cant rid pressure in my head
« Reply #5 on: July 21, 2009, 03:17:12 AM »

I just wanted to throw something into the fire here.  Take it with a pinch of salt.

Lots of exercise actually reduces the basal heart rate.  If you think about it, practising yoga and meditation causes the same thing but just not as much.  They are both forms of exercise.  So i would definitely suggest you cut back on the excessive exercise.  I believe it is the lowering of the heart rate which can cause some kundalini symptoms.