Author Topic: sensitivities  (Read 783 times)


  • Posts: 49
« on: October 19, 2008, 02:31:56 AM »
Hi all,
(Yogani, if you have any thoughts here I'd appreciate it)
I haven't posted in a while.  I've bumped my practice up a notch doing 3 minutes of SP and 8 minutes of DM and  feeling a deep stillness in meditation and mostly during the day, feel more grounded with daily walks and involvement in life.  I have had intermittent allergic reactions at times with some facial redness and then peeling.  I'm paying attention to the culprits when I can and trying to avoid them but feel this is some kind of purification process.  its not constant and not due to the increased practices. it has been going on for a few months now, may happen once every week or two.  I've also become very sensitive to smells as well.  if someone comes in the room with a scent I have a instantaneous reaction.  Sometimes I have to leave it bothers me so bad.  Anyone had anything like this?  Any thoughts would be helpful.  I had read in prior posts some reference to sunburn.  there are times my nose becomes red and stays that way for a day or two.  I don't want to dwell on the physical stuff but if there is something I can do to help would like to know.  thanks,  Jan


  • Posts: 424
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2008, 07:21:12 AM »
Hi Yogajan,

Your experience is probably different than mine, but I had allergic reactions too and they were, for me, really just allergic reactions. I would eventually figure out what I touched that triggered it or what I ate/drank that triggered it.  I became sensitive to perfumes too; it was a migraine trigger.  

Your reaction may be a purification symptom but it might be worth keeping record of what you eat/drink/touch prior to having these reactions, just in case they're allergies.   We're all different in our practices--for me the purification or pushing practices too hard led to really bad headaches instead.

light and love,


  • Posts: 49
« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2008, 03:09:24 AM »
Thanks Kathy for your reply,
I do think its an interaction between allergies and purification (whatever) but feeling a lot of activity/vibration in my third eye and throat areas.  I have reduced my practices (yet again) and will see if this helps along with longer walks. I have been on a pitta pacifying diet already so that isn't a culprit.


  • Posts: 3178
« Reply #3 on: October 21, 2008, 03:18:46 AM »
Hi Jan,

This is just a thought, as I don't have similiar symptoms, but my Mother has pretty severe yeast allergies and she has symptoms that sound very similiar to yours if she eats any breads with yeast in them.  She is a Christian and doesn't practice yoga so I doubt she is dealing with any purification like you may be, but it was just a thought I thought I'd throw out there....have you been allergy tested?



  • Posts: 49
« Reply #4 on: October 21, 2008, 04:33:30 AM »
Thanks Carson,
I have not gotten allergy tested.  I really don't want to go through that if I can help it but am paying attention to triggers.  I am trying a gluten/wheat/corn free diet for a while to see how that goes.  The recent culprit was stone ground corn chips -- within 30 minutes I had a reaction.  Damn, I love them too.  I also think I've had a lot of old anger surfacing and I'm in the process of learning how to effectively deal with it.  There are legitimate things that need to be handled in my life assertively but I never really learned how and after years of passivity and suppressing anger the dragon energy has surfaced.  I'm not acting out but often have to take time to figure out how to handle situations and its like my body reactions won't let me stay passive any longer.  So I think this might be part of the skin stuff.  


  • Posts: 3178
« Reply #5 on: October 21, 2008, 04:49:11 AM »
Hi Jan,
Well, maybe acting out on some of the things you have bottled up will help relieve some of the symptoms then...To me it sounds as if you may have some food allergies which are being compounded by the fact that you may not be expressing yourself properly and keeping too much attachment to these feelings instead of releasing them through some sort of outlet.  I had a similiar problem many years ago which was partially solved by making angry music.  And when I say angry I mean freakin' angry.  SUPER heavy, distorted, drop tuned guitars, driving off-time rythyms and a LOT of screaming helped me to feel a hell of a lot better about things I couldn't change but still had attachment to wanting to change.  I eventually left music for meditation and have since learned to let go of feelings of anger and resentment towards things I can't change, and that has truly made all the difference for me.  I wasn't getting kundalini symptoms back then, but I was a heavily addicted poly drug addict and I think a proper outlet for angry feelings and frustration may help to alieviate the non-allergy symptoms for you.  I don't know what that outlet might be for you, that is something you would have to figure out for yourself, but it may be worth considering.  Hope this helps even just a little.
