Author Topic: body vibrations - need advice  (Read 961 times)


  • Posts: 4
body vibrations - need advice
« on: July 09, 2008, 03:00:53 AM »

I am new and apologize if I am  not posting correctly or in the proper place.

I have been working with an awakening for a number of years- but lately things have increased dramatically.  I don't know if it is proper or I am dealing with a block, or perhaps off center rising.  Can anyone advise on the below:

For past 3 months I have been experience very strong vibrations that start in the abdomen and rise through the head.  In the beginning they were mild and I believed it to be internal only..but now they manifest as external physical vibrations-very huge and I am vibrating/shaking , especially my trunk and head.  Shaking.  Then extreme heat.  This happens at night or during savasana or 61 points.  I can stop it by getting up and moving around (which I do if I am in a room with anyone else as I do not like to draw attention).  About four weeks ago it went right up to my head...and it felt like a brain explosion. lots of fireworks and ectascy..but then the next day some depression.

What is happening?  should I allow, encourage this?  I am confused. any all comments most welcome and appreciated.


  • Posts: 253
body vibrations - need advice
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2008, 05:04:43 AM »
Hi Parvati, welcome to the forum.

Can you describe in more detail the awakening you've been working with for a number of years, and what kind of work you've been doing with it?

I received the kundalini-awakening shaktipat initiation nearly eighteen years ago. In the early years following shaktipat, I had numerous physical symptoms similar to what you described - they came and went and I was none the worse for wear. In the lineage into which I was initiated, we are taught that such symptoms, following shaktipat, are called "kriyas": movements of the kundalini energy as it goes about its work of purifying our physical and subtle bodies on every level. I've experienced the vibrations, the heat, the shaking, the visions, the bliss, all of which I accept in a spirit of surrender and gratitude.

I remember one time in particular, when I was on a retreat with my spiritual teacher and a group of fellow students, when I had a shaking kriya that lasted for what seemed like an hour or more - my whole body trembled visibly, even while I walked around and did my seva at the retreat! The entire experience was accompanied by a feeling of peace and subtle, gentle reassurance and love.

I think you will find others on this forum who can relate to your experience, too.



  • Posts: 4
body vibrations - need advice
« Reply #2 on: July 09, 2008, 08:59:21 AM »
Hello Suryakant
Thank you for this helpful reply.  I am pleased to hear of other experiences.

You asked for more detail on my awakening etc. I will try to tell but briefly, which leaves out maybe what you are asking.  but I will try!  I have been told I was born with an awakening and that explains much from my childhood (ex. even age 4 or 5 I meditated, did asanas and other spiritual practice...but I did it in secret and told no one and learned it from no was not something my family would have supported at the time) ! I married and had children and things were quiet at that time.  

Now the children are almost grown and beginning four years ago much has been going on. Hearing music, different smells, waves of heat coming off me, many high meditations, at night I awaken and watch my body (from above) do pranayama and asanas, so many years past I used to have cobra dream, vibrations (but slight up until now), in meditation sometimes on the way down I do mudras, sounds etc.  In meditation I have many experiences from the "nothingness" to loss of individual self, merging with the universe, "traveling" etc.  In my whole life...I always feel something like cars going so fast through all my veins everywhere..only now it is more like rocket ships on a freeway! Recently I went many days with no sleep and it was ok..I don't know maybe this information is not what you are asking?  

My current practice is daily hatha, pranayama, careful diet, twice daily meditation.  I sleep only 4 hours or so as yoga nidra is good.  I am trying now to understand kundalini...I only learned the word in January and I am learning so much about my life now and why and why and why everything is the way it is.  I am now dedicated to understanding my process and doing all I can to support this is what is to be done.

Right now the vibrations are so much people can see them and I do not prefer this.  I am wondering do I just relax and work through..or maybe direct it to my head?  Last week it was too  much and I channeled all the vibrations into my arms and out my hands so I could stop.  But I don't know if that was bad or good to do.  Any advice is most appreciated.


  • Posts: 253
body vibrations - need advice
« Reply #3 on: July 09, 2008, 10:20:47 AM »
Originally posted by Parvati

Hello Suryakant
Thank you for this helpful reply.  I am pleased to hear of other experiences.

Sharing descriptions of spiritual experiences has been very beneficial to me over the years.

You asked for more detail on my awakening etc. I will try to tell but briefly, which leaves out maybe what you are asking.  but I will try!  I have been told I was born with an awakening and that explains much from my childhood (ex. even age 4 or 5 I meditated, did asanas and other spiritual practice...but I did it in secret and told no one and learned it from no was not something my family would have supported at the time) ! I married and had children and things were quiet at that time.

I can relate to your early childhood experience, Parvati. Throughout my early childhood, I had specific recurring dreams that I discovered many years later, in adulthood, matched exactly the descriptions of the final stages of the Sidpa Bardo (the "intermediate state of seeking rebirth") described in The Tibetan Book of The Dead (a.k.a. The Bardo Thodol). Also, I remember times during my childhood, around age 4 or 5, when I would be outdoors playing and suddenly I'd be filled with a feeling of incredible joy and bliss, during which I would look up at the sky and hear a loving voice in my head saying to me, "It's all right...everything is all right...".

Now the children are almost grown and beginning four years ago much has been going on. Hearing music, different smells, waves of heat coming off me, many high meditations, at night I awaken and watch my body (from above) do pranayama and asanas, so many years past I used to have cobra dream, vibrations (but slight up until now), in meditation sometimes on the way down I do mudras, sounds etc.  In meditation I have many experiences from the "nothingness" to loss of individual self, merging with the universe, "traveling" etc.  In my whole life...I always feel something like cars going so fast through all my veins everywhere..only now it is more like rocket ships on a freeway! Recently I went many days with no sleep and it was ok..I don't know maybe this information is not what you are asking?

That information is exactly what I was asking about! Everything you described matches the scriptural description of the normal manifestations of an awakened and active kundalini.

My current practice is daily hatha, pranayama, careful diet, twice daily meditation.  I sleep only 4 hours or so as yoga nidra is good.  I am trying now to understand kundalini...I only learned the word in January and I am learning so much about my life now and why and why and why everything is the way it is.  I am now dedicated to understanding my process and doing all I can to support this is what is to be done.

It sounds like kundalini herself is guiding you along the proper path.

Right now the vibrations are so much people can see them and I do not prefer this.  I am wondering do I just relax and work through..or maybe direct it to my head?  Last week it was too  much and I channeled all the vibrations into my arms and out my hands so I could stop.  But I don't know if that was bad or good to do.  Any advice is most appreciated.

When you channeled the vibrations out your hands by means of your conscious intention (your sankalpa), where did the vibrations go? Did the vibrations in your body cease when you did that? If nothing in your environment appeared disturbed by your doing that, and if you experienced the cessation of vibration you were seeking, then I don't see a problem.

In the lineage into which I was initiated, initiates are empowered to telepathically ask the Guru to stop and/or prevent kriyas that the initiate wishes to stop and/or prevent. Anyone receiving shaktipat initiation into the lineage into which I was initiated is given this ability.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2008, 10:28:51 AM by Suryakant »


  • Posts: 4
body vibrations - need advice
« Reply #4 on: July 10, 2008, 09:53:57 AM »
Thank you for the information and assurances..

when you said
"That information is exactly what I was asking about! Everything you described matches the scriptural description of the normal manifestations of an awakened and active kundalini.

What scriptures are they? I would be interested to read more!

So I think on my increasing vibrations I should just relax and let it be.  Yes..I think the Kundalini herself is doing what is right...I maybe need to stay out of her way?


  • Posts: 4
body vibrations - need advice
« Reply #6 on: July 11, 2008, 11:47:26 AM »
Thank You Suryakant!!

I am reading, reading, reading, !!!!
