Author Topic: third eye point moved??!  (Read 917 times)


  • Posts: 5
third eye point moved??!
« on: March 12, 2008, 09:37:53 PM »
I have been doing practises for around a year. I have been able to trace the energy in pranayama and feel a strong presence of energy at the third eye point in meditation. however recently it feels like my third eye point has been compromised in some way, almost twisted like its not looking straight outwards anymore, the point where i can feel the energy has moved down to the right and level with my sinuses. this distracts me so i cant meditate. i recently tried yoni mudra kumbhaka, i am at the 'clunky' phase in that one, is it possible i did it wrong and have upset the third eye point in some way?


  • Posts: 4947
third eye point moved??!
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2008, 06:24:12 AM »
Hi Theileon,
Welcome to the forum.[:)]
You cannot mess up a chakra location.. so you are safe.. your third eye I am sure is where it should be.[:)]
What you maybe experiencing .. and this is a guess.. is your eyes actually trying to focus downwards towards the tip of your nose (which is sambhavi mudra too?). This takes a bit a time to adjust to, but can be very powerful.
In yoga, the best thing you can do for yourself is.. let yourself be your guide. Don't get stuck to anything. Go with what your inner guru is guiding you to do. It may take a bit of time to flow into the new position.. but let it flow.. don't force. It gets easier this way. Later when it feels natural again, you can move back to focusing on your third eye.

Wish you all the best.[:)]


  • Posts: 4947
third eye point moved??!
« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2008, 01:58:04 PM »
PS: Just FYI .. in AYP deep meditation we do not focus our attention on the third eye or any other part of the body.
In Lesson 27 - Meditation Q&A – Location of mantra Yogani says:

No, we do not deliberately physically locate the mantra.

If you find the mantra occurring in particular locations, that is
okay. We don't resist that. Nor do we encourage it. Just as we let
the mantra settle down naturally to quieter and quieter levels, so
too do we let it occur in the body wherever it is naturally. If it
doesn't occur in any particular place, that is okay too. It is not
about physical locations. The mantra naturally resonates according to
the complex purification process going on inside us while we are
meditating. All we have to do is follow the simple procedure of
thinking the mantra easily, and picking it back up easily when we
realize we have been off it.

« Last Edit: March 14, 2008, 01:59:21 PM by Shanti »


  • Posts: 3071
    • Advanced Yoga Practices
third eye point moved??!
« Reply #3 on: March 17, 2008, 12:10:54 AM »
Hi Theileon

Nice name! and welcome.

i recently tried yoni mudra kumbhaka, i am at the 'clunky' phase in that one, is it possible i did it wrong and have upset the third eye point in some way?

I agree with Shanti... you can't upset a chakra location. What you may be experiencing is the awakening of the pingala nadi. This energy line comes up the right side of the neck, comes over the front of the face above the cheek bone, and ends on the cheek, or right nostril just below the sinus point. It happens to me quite a lot, and it is distracting at first. For some reason when the nadi is active, it can feel like a whirl of energy just to the right of the nose, or a sharp pin prick, or a vibration. As I mentioned, it can also be felt on the side of the nostril... seems to be a moveing ballgame.

If it is this, then soon (maybe over the next few months, you will start to feel the left one (ida) springing to life too. Then you will feel two energy movements on either side of your nose (and up your neck and accross your cheeks), and the third eye thing happening in its usual place.

Good things are happening...[:)]
