Author Topic: Divine Sound for special needs  (Read 620 times)


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Divine Sound for special needs
« on: November 08, 2007, 05:59:59 AM »
Hi All,
I recently received this mail from a friend using the Divine Sound for
her son.

Denise Robson



7th November 2007

Dear Dave

I'd like to give some positive feedback on how listening to Divine
Sound has helped my son Alex.

Alex has been diagnosed with a Pervasive Developmental Disorder. He
received this diagnosis because he had difficulties across several
areas that became more pronounced as he became older, in other words
compared to his peer group he wasn't developing as you would expect.
These difficulties included high functioning autism, dyslexia,
dyspraxia and a component of attention deficit disorder. Alex received
excellent support from his child psychiatrist and special needs within
the various schools he attended however there were some things it was
very difficult to change and none of us knew if it was actually even
possible to change them. I worked on certain aspects of his social
skills at home and changed his diet in line with some of the usual
recommendations for children with these kinds of difficulties and took
a holistic approach to helping him.

To add to Alex's difficulties he was bullied often and he was also
physically assaulted several times and not surprisingly he ended up
with an over-reactive stress response. I did some work on this aspect
of Alex's problem's in the beginning using other methods I was
familiar with and used a combined approach with energy healing,
hypnotherapy and EFT. This did have a positive effect but as fast as I
helped Alex another incident came up or he became stressed because of
homework or exams and so it was a long road and at times I wasn't sure
what to do next.

All of this was very hard work and went on over a period of several
years. Also though children and young teenagers usually have far more
interesting things to do than undergo therapy and life skills coaching
sessions when they get home from school and it was becoming very
wearing and time consuming for both of us. This is where Divine Sound
became an absolute godsend because it was so easy to simply play it
regularly even when doing other things. I began using Divine Sound for
myself about a year and a half ago to help with my own healing from
stress related disorders and I played it as often as possible. I
discovered fairly quickly, within three months, that it worked very
well and that I received positive benefits from meditating to it
regularly. Because I was sometimes playing it at night Alex was
listening to this unconsciously whilst he was asleep.

I had noticed that listening to Divine Sound was helping me to relax
and I was gaining an increased feeling of peacefulness over time but I
also noticed that Alex seemed to be more relaxed and his stress
related symptoms seemed to be abating. I would also play it at various
times during the day and wasn't always aware he could hear it as he
was in a different room however one day he remarked that when it was
playing it seemed to help him to concentrate when he was playing
computer games. Alex regularly plays online games and these have
helped with his co-ordination problems. He said that when Divine Sound
was playing he could concentrate much better on the game, he said he
could hear it in the background and it shut out all the distracting
thoughts in his head and he could focus much better on what he was
doing. He also said that when he got to a part in the game when he
used to get stressed his heart didn't jump anymore. Over time he has
become more focused generally when he's playing computer games whether
Divine Sound is playing or not and this has also been noticeable in
other areas which is obviously a big help with things such as college
work because he used to be very easily distracted and found it
difficult to focus.

During summer break from school he actively sat and listened a few
times during the day when he wasn't doing anything else and he said
that he found it really relaxing. The benefits have expanded into
other aspects of his life. I have noticed that he has become much less
emotionally reactive and less stressed generally. He used to become
very easily upset but now when he discusses fearful situations he is
not so emotionally engaged and he can take a step back from them and
discuss them more rationally. He has also become more aware generally
about what is going on around him, has become more empathic and has
started to be more organised. His confidence has also improved because
he is now coping with life much better than he was. He also said that
he thought Divine Sound might be what helped him to sleep better,
obviously this means that he has more energy throughout the day.

There are still some areas in which he is having difficulties and we
don't know yet whether we will see further improvements but it's
important to keep an open mind and not believe that he is necessarily
stuck with it. We have been using Divine Sound now for a period of
around a year and a half and Alex has been listening to it at least
two or three times a week. This is obviously not a quick fix and you
need to be consistent with it but the changes gained are lasting ones
and it's well worth persevering with.

Listening to Divine Sound isn't hard, you can meditate to it or you
can listen to it in the background when you're doing other things, or
play it at night when going to sleep, its really easy and effortless.
Over time with consistent use there is definitely a calming effect,
improved sleep, less reactive behaviour, better concentration and
focus and an expanded awareness. All of this just from regularly
listening to a CD! I used to worry about how Alex would cope with
life, I don't worry anymore, I have seen such an excellent improvement
in him and myself since listening to Divine Sound that we will be
continuing to use it indefinitely.

Best regards
Denise Robson