Author Topic: New Experience  (Read 575 times)


  • Posts: 35
New Experience
« on: October 28, 2007, 05:54:20 AM »

I haven't posted here in awhile but wanted to share an experience I had yesterday.  I've read about this sort of thing many times but never had it actually happen until now.  

Sat down to meditate and just prior to starting pranayama I felt the textbook electrical surge go up my spine. It jerked my body and straightened out my spine (which I thought was already straight but apparently was wrong).  It literally felt like an electric current and startled me to say the least.  

Even though I'd read about this and knew what it was, I was still hesitant to continue with pranayama and meditation but after calming down for a few minutes I continued on.

Then it happened again about 15 minutes into meditation and this time was more dramatic and seemed to almost cause me to jump slightly out of my seat. I made a sound vocally this time because again when you're sitting there in complete stillness and this happens it startles you pretty good.  After this one I felt pretty calm and alert and continued to meditate for a few more minutes.

Weird timing for this because I just got back from vacation and only meditated once while I was there and did some bad eating and moderate drinking.  I did however spend a brief time with a spiritual teacher in northeast Georgia and I'm wondering if this had anything to do with it.

The current didn't seem to make it all the way up to my head but dissipated just above the point between the shoulder blades.  Both times it jerked my spine completely straight kind of like holding both ends of a string and then quickly pulling.  

Did a short meditation (& pranayama) this morning without incident.

Hope everyone here is doing well.  Thought you guys might be interested in this.