Author Topic: Interesting Kundalini Article  (Read 859 times)


  • Posts: 1654
Interesting Kundalini Article
« on: January 06, 2007, 06:16:19 PM »

The "tidbit" I found especially interesting was the third paragraph from the end, which begins, "Agni; as the gods' tongue ..."

Taken in context with the scriptural / yogic literature reference (given in the article), it seems like a thinly-veiled mythological illustration concerning the (ultra-important) role of the tongue and kechari mudra in our full kundalini awakening and integration.

The whole article, and the related site, are interesting (above and beyond the one point mentioned above.)

Peace & Namaste,


PS - Please Note: "Interesting" does *not* mean "this is the Gospel According to Kirtanman" nor does it mean "I will stake my life on the veracity and credibility of the aforementioned and linked information". That said --- enjoy!  [;)]