Author Topic: effects of enlightenment on others  (Read 1808 times)


  • Posts: 28
effects of enlightenment on others
« on: October 28, 2010, 02:39:25 AM »
Hi all,

Recently Carson has come home from the AYP retreat and has obviously been greatly effect by his experience there. For a lack of better words he has come home "more enlightened"[8D]

Last night as we were lying in bed together I started to have some different sensations. I noticed that out of nowhere my head started to ache slightly. It was not a normal headache feeling. I wouldn't call it an ache really as it wasn't really painful. It was more of an awareness in my forehead. I also experienced some sudden stomach sensations. I had not been feeling any of this prior to lying down with him. I should mention that these sensations started when he had his arm around me, then after a while I rolled over. He removed his arm and the sensations stopped. I then went to sleep almost instantly.  

I'm wondering if these sensations were related to him or if I am just making connections where I want to see them.

I am also curious to know if anybody else has had their signifacant others be effected by them.

Does it make a difference if your partner is practicing or not? For example, when Carson first started AYP I was not practicing and did not notice anything, but he was at a different place then. I am now practicing and he has become stronger in his spirituality. Now I have begun to notice things.

Thanks for any insight!


  • Posts: 369
effects of enlightenment on others
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2010, 04:45:37 AM »
Hi Luci!!!

Thank you for sharing Carson with us last weekend, the retreat wouldn't have been the same with out him. So far my wife hasn't commented on any of those types of feelings, but when I came home from the retreat and was laying in bed I could feel the silence radiating out well beyond my body. She was sleeping and didn't say anything but I could feel the energy/Silence transfer happening.

The next day at work a spiritually minded friend was in my office and could feel the swirling energy in the middle of her body while she was in there and then later in the day mentioned that she was having a hard time thinking for the rest of the day (which is how I feel when I have a lot of energy in the head).

And perhaps the most intense experience of this I had while sitting near a couple of people on the retreat...their Silence was radiating so strongly, it literally brought me to tears...a really beautiful experience.

Much Love

ps: Amrita is adorable


  • Posts: 787
effects of enlightenment on others
« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2010, 08:03:20 AM »
Hi Luci!

It does make a difference that you are doing practices, I feel. Carson is a very pure channel of love and silence, but I can almost guarantee you he's not "doing something" to you. Your own openness is allowing you to feel this.

Katrine and my roommate at the retreat helped me realize this. At first I was blaming others for the wonderful things I experienced. Blamed Katrine for "making me present", blamed Carson for the infectious laughter that plagued me for 4 days, blamed my roommate for a beautiful experience we shared.

They pointed out how open and receptive I was, which I didn't see until they mentioned it.

In your case, you are probably receptive and your practices are opening you further. And Carson is right there beside you, radiating love  [;)]

It was amazing to meet Carson this weekend. His compassion and love were beautiful to witness. The 3 of you are blessed to have each other.

My love to you and the family  [:)]



  • Posts: 28
effects of enlightenment on others
« Reply #3 on: November 01, 2010, 06:47:20 AM »
Thanks Parallax and Cosmic,

Your perspective really helped me to understand what was happening. I am now much better at just relaxing into the sensations. To just ride with them.

I'm excited to continue to grow and have loving experiences like yours. Thank you for sharing!



  • Posts: 24
effects of enlightenment on others
« Reply #4 on: December 15, 2010, 07:25:00 PM »
Eckhart Tolle says that there is something special about being in the presence of somebody who is "enlightened", or resonating at a higher level - it seems almost infectious! Being around such a person, makes you more present. That said, for this to work, you are obviously highly open and receptive, and resonating at a fairly high level yourself!

Wishing you peace and happiness,



  • Posts: 87
effects of enlightenment on others
« Reply #5 on: December 16, 2010, 06:59:24 AM »
You have given us a teaching on interdependence.


  • Posts: 3178
effects of enlightenment on others
« Reply #6 on: August 26, 2011, 01:29:41 AM »
Hi Everyone

Shanti linked to this thread in response to Godslave's recent posting about kundalini affecting a spouse and in rereading this thread I felt the need to comment/clarify something.  

Originally posted by LucienneK

Recently Carson has come home from the AYP retreat and has obviously been greatly effect by his experience there. For a lack of better words he has come home "more enlightened"[8D]

Luci (aka "The Wife" [;)]) then goes on to explain how she was feeling energetic sensations in her body when being close to me.  In hindsight, I wouldn't say that what Luci was feeling had anything to do with me coming home "more enlightened"... I think that the sensations were happening because I was ungrounded (and because of her open and receptive nature).  I had "overpracticed" at the retreat and had in fact been overpracticing for over two years at that point (I'm a bit of a "hard-head" and had refused to admit to myself that I had been overloading for a while).  The result of the overpracticing/lack of self-pacing at the retreat combined with the sheer power of being in the presence of (and practicing with) so many deeply connected people, was a serious case of ungrounding/overload to the max.  One week after coming home from the above mentioned retreat I had the most dramatic "purification episode" I've ever experienced which also completely changed how much practice I could do.  Essentially, Life *forced* me to start self-pacing.  I wrote about that "episode" here:

So, I think that one of the best ways to combat uncomfortable sensations or energetic symptoms in those around you, is to stay grounded.  Now that I am grounded there doesn't seem to be any problems (of this nature [;)]) at home anymore.  LuciK can correct me there if I am wrong. [:D]



  • Posts: 405
effects of enlightenment on others
« Reply #7 on: December 29, 2011, 10:08:16 PM »

Yeah thats how the kundalini acts when you are at recieving stage you can feel it.

My spouse he has told me many times why are you meditating now in the middle of the night.When I am keeping the meditation very regular he can feel the  sensation and for him his sleep is disturbed and he  wont get sleep at night and sometimes he blames me.I used to do my meditation at 3am before although I dont do that now but still i noticed we both wakeup at the same time(3am.I am sure this kundalini can or has affect on others espcially on your spouse whether they practice meditation or not.

If others had similar experience do post i would like to know more.


  • Posts: 787
effects of enlightenment on others
« Reply #8 on: December 31, 2011, 07:31:31 AM »
Hi viji [:)]

This happens here too. When I do 2 full sessions a day, my fiancee gets overload symptoms. She would also have trouble sleeping when I did cosmic samyama before bed. I haven't been regular on my sessions for a few months, and that's seemed to help in the meantime. Haven't found a solution yet, but will probably have to ramp up slowly when I try to return to 2x/day sessions.

Hope it gets better for you and your spouse!



  • Posts: 405
effects of enlightenment on others
« Reply #9 on: January 22, 2012, 11:13:28 PM »
Hi cosmic,

Yeah self pacing did help but as soon as whenever I do twice a day practice or make it regular then my hubby feels fresh at night and he tells me he doesnt get sleep.As iam sleeping peacefully, sometimes he assumes I am meditating and that is causing this to him.
The energy does affect our spouse which is true.
But anyways I am not regular now a days:( I would love to do it regularly.

Love n Light


  • Posts: 182
effects of enlightenment on others
« Reply #10 on: January 23, 2012, 02:23:30 AM »
Does it make a difference if your partner is practicing or not? For example, when Carson first started AYP I was not practicing and did not notice anything, but he was at a different place then. I am now practicing and he has become stronger in his spirituality. Now I have begun to notice things.

I haven't revisited Christianity for decades, so so this may be a misquote: -

"Where two or mor are gathered together....."

I'm a big fan of retreats and group meditation, although, I should make it clear that I haven't meditated "properly" for decades (and never before have I encountered anything close to the level of expertise clearly demonstrated in the AYP lessons and on this forum). I'm learning a lot!!

My wife practices in the Buddhist tradition and I believe that the result of spiritual practice is indeed synergistic, whether we are open enough to be aware of it or not. I've no hard scientific evidence that's the case though. [:)] But the research here is qualitative research and the data is valid.

PS (Edit): - Just another thought that may be relevant. It seems that it's possible to close-down the conduit of "spiritual energy" by self-pacing/grounding.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2012, 02:31:37 AM by gatito »