Author Topic: I am not that.  (Read 549 times)


  • Posts: 1065
I am not that.
« on: May 17, 2010, 05:06:18 PM »
The one who gets disturbed when he sees the news of a 10yr old girl being tortured, raped and murdered.

The one who feels happy when he sees his young son learning names of the colors.

The one who asks where is God when he sees an earthquake mercilessly killing thousands of people including children.

The one who gets worried when he sees Galaxies eating Galaxies and Black holes eating Suns.

The one who sleeps and dreams.

The one who does yoga, gets abundant joy, bliss and energy.

The one in Samadhi. The state of Turiya. The highest level of awakening.

I am not that.

I am the one who is aware in all the above four states of sleep, dreaming, waking and turiya.

I am always aware.

And I am always silent.