Author Topic: Yogani on the Radio - 2009 - KKCR Hawaii  (Read 4253 times)


  • Posts: 6025
    • AYP Plus
Yogani on the Radio - 2009 - KKCR Hawaii
« Reply #30 on: July 03, 2009, 01:42:59 AM »
Hi All:

The next one hour interview with Dr. Ann West on Samyama was prerecorded a few days ago, and is scheduled to air (and webcast) on Sunday, July 5th at 12 noon Hawaii time (6 pm eastern time USA) on

Soon after, the recording should be available on the AYP interviews page and Youtube channel.

The interview provides an introduction to the AYP Samyama book, with an overview of essential principles, techniques, and implications for individual practitioners and the world. Cultivating stillness in action, siddhis and miracles! [:)]  

The guru is in you.


  • Posts: 6025
    • AYP Plus
Yogani on the Radio - 2009 - KKCR Hawaii
« Reply #31 on: July 31, 2009, 08:45:18 AM »
Hi All:

We are back for another one. [:)]

The next one hour interview with Dr. Ann West on Diet, Shatkarmas and Amaroli was prerecorded today, and is scheduled to air (and webcast) on Sunday, August 2nd at 12 noon Hawaii time (6 pm eastern time USA) on

Soon after, the recording should be available on the AYP interviews page and Youtube channel.

The interview provides an introduction to the AYP Diet, Shatkarmas and Amaroli book, with an overview of key principles and techniques, how these tie in with the broad scope of yoga practices, and the rise of ecstatic conductivity via the nectar cycle in the human neurobiology.

Next, we are planning to do Self-Inquiry. Looking forward to that here, and letting it go in stillness. [8D]  

The guru is in you.


  • Posts: 6025
    • AYP Plus
Yogani on the Radio - 2009 - KKCR Hawaii
« Reply #32 on: October 03, 2009, 03:50:17 AM »
Hi All:

The next one hour interview with Dr. Ann West on Self-Inquiry was prerecorded, and is scheduled to air (and webcast) on KKCR Hawaii, Sunday, October 4th at 12 noon Hawaii time (6 pm eastern time USA) on

Soon after, the recording should be available on the AYP interviews page and Youtube channel.

The interview provides an introduction to the AYP Self-Inquiry book. It also covers more recent developments highlighted in AYP Lesson 350 and Lesson 351. The interview also reviews the strengths and weaknesses of non-duality (jnana/advaita) approaches, ancient and modern, in relation to the presence of abiding inner silence (the witness) in the aspirant.

Next month, we are planning to do Bhakti and Karma Yoga.

All the best!  

The guru is in you.


  • Posts: 6025
    • AYP Plus
Yogani on the Radio - 2009 - KKCR Hawaii
« Reply #33 on: October 30, 2009, 04:40:26 AM »
Hi All:

The next one hour interview with Dr. Ann West on Bhakti and Karma Yoga was prerecorded a few days ago, and is scheduled to air (and webcast) on KKCR Hawaii, Sunday, November 1st at 12 noon Hawaii time (5 pm eastern time USA) at

Soon after, the recording should be available on the AYP interviews page and Youtube channel.

The interview provides an introduction to the AYP Bhakti and Karma Yoga book, discussing the relationship of desire, our chosen ideal, and action for advancement on the spiritual path, and for transforming the consequences of our karma.

Next month, we are planning to do Eight Limbs of Yoga, covering the overall structure and pacing of self-directed spiritual practice. That is currently the last book in the Enlightenment Series, and will complete the 2009 series of 10 interviews on KKCR Hawaii.

Dr. Ann has been a terrific host throughout, and I am very grateful to her for making this series of talks possible.  

The guru is in you.


  • Posts: 6025
    • AYP Plus
Yogani on the Radio - 2009 - KKCR Hawaii
« Reply #34 on: November 01, 2009, 10:09:56 AM »
Hi All:

As those who tuned in today surely noticed, the Self-Inquiry interview was broadcast again on KKCR, instead of the new Bhakti and Karma Yoga interview.

Not sure what happened, but our next broadcast opportunity will be December 6th. Will confirm the schedule here before then.

The guru is in you.


  • Posts: 6025
    • AYP Plus
Yogani on the Radio - 2009 - KKCR Hawaii
« Reply #35 on: November 02, 2009, 03:25:05 AM »
Originally posted by yogani

Hi All:

As those who tuned in today surely noticed, the Self-Inquiry interview was broadcast again on KKCR, instead of the new Bhakti and Karma Yoga interview.

Not sure what happened, but our next broadcast opportunity will be December 6th. Will confirm the schedule here before then.

The guru is in you.

Update: There was a mix-up and the wrong recording was put on for the broadcast yesterday. The Bhakti and Karma Yoga interview has been rescheduled for Dr. Ann's next program on December 6th.

The good news is that Dr. Ann has given permission to put the Bhakti and Karma Yoga interview up on the AYP website and Youtube now, so look for those soon -- on the website today sometime, and on Youtube in a couple of days.


The guru is in you.


  • Posts: 6025
    • AYP Plus
Yogani on the Radio - 2009 - KKCR Hawaii
« Reply #36 on: December 30, 2009, 10:35:59 AM »
Hi All:

Update: The Bhakti and Karma Yoga interview (#9) did broadcast from KKCR Hawaii on December 6th. As you may recall, the November broadcast was delayed. The interview recording has been on the AYP interviews page since early November, along with all the others we have done.

New Interview: The next one hour interview (#10) with Dr. Ann West on Eight Limbs of Yoga has been prerecorded, and is scheduled to air (and webcast) on KKCR Hawaii, Sunday, January 3rd at 12 noon Hawaii time (5 pm eastern time USA) at

Soon after the broadcast, the recording should be available on the AYP interviews page and Youtube channel.

The interview provides an introduction to the AYP Eight Limbs of Yoga book, discussing the compilation of these categories of practice in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali centuries ago, and how we have adapted them in the AYP system for practical utilization in modern times.

That will complete the series of 10 interviews we started a year ago. Many thanks to Dr. Ann West!  

The guru is in you.