Author Topic: Dealing with Insomnia  (Read 906 times)


  • Posts: 369
Dealing with Insomnia
« on: August 12, 2009, 07:36:46 AM »
Hi All!!

Wanted to solicit some advice for a friend of mine. She recently moved here from India for work; she is very spiritually inclined but not currently doing regular structured practices (I have given her the DM and SBP books).

A few weeks ago, we went to see Amma together. As I mentioned in another post, I definitely felt an "energy transfer" during my hug from Amma(primarily in the throat and heart chakras). My friend did not feel anything during her hug, but she thinks she got a "double-hug" as during the middle of her hug Amma was interrupted by one of her assistants, such that she got extra time in Amma's embrace.

Since then my friend has had difficulty sleeping. She's only able to sleep a couple of hours at a time each night, and she says even that is pretty fitful. This has been going on for over 3 weeks now. Needless to say, she is starting to wear down physically. Other than the sleeplessness, no other reported symptoms.

Since I have bouts of kundalini related sleep issues, I'm inclined to think that Amma awoke her kundalini (my friend doesn't drink alcohol or use caffiene and follows a vegetarian diet...).

The typical AYP prescription for a kundalini overload would be to self-pace and do some grounding until it passes. However, in this case, she is not currently doing any practices (so nothing to scale back on) and has been grounding through walks outside, going to the beach, etc but nothing seems to have made a difference.

The one potentially energy stimulating factor, is that we work pretty closely together and do engage in frequent spiritual discussions. She has also wondered aloud, whether being in proximity to me, she is being impacted by my energy as most days I feel varying levels of crown, 3rd eye, spinal and/or whole body energy activity...could I be contributing?

Has anyone had a similar experience after Darshan? Any suggestions on how to help her? Would it help for her to start DM and SBP to help smooth out the energy flow? or would this only exacerbate her situation?

Has anyone tried herbal remedies for kundalini-related sleeplessness, ie melatonin, valerian, chamomile, etc? How did it work?

Any insights would be appreciated!!!

Wishing You Peace, Love and Happiness [:)]
« Last Edit: August 12, 2009, 07:42:17 AM by AYPforum »


  • Posts: 319
Dealing with Insomnia
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2009, 04:51:53 PM »
Hi Parallax.

There is a remedy to insomnia that may sound weird, but serious cases of insomnia have been relieved thanks to it.
Take a big onion (yes, an onion!), cut it in half and place it under your pillow.
Or another option would be to put the cut onion in a jar and smell the vapor before going to bed.

wish it helps your friend [:)]


  • Posts: 369
Dealing with Insomnia
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2009, 11:45:50 PM »
Thanks Christiane!!

I'll have her try it and see if it helps...I think she'll try just about anything at this point...THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP!!!!

Love and Blessings to You!!  [:)][:)][:)][:)][:)]


  • Posts: 4947
Dealing with Insomnia
« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2009, 12:17:32 AM »
Hi Parallax,
See if this topic helps:
cure for insomnia?

Also ask her to ground. Exercise, walk, dance, garden, stay away from spiritual stuff, eat heavier foods, if she is a vegetarian, ask her to eat rice and ghee, cheese, potatoes, junk food like pizza. Do mindless stuff like watch a movie, go out with non spiritual friends. Basically the more she thinks about the energy, the stronger it will get.


  • Posts: 369
Dealing with Insomnia
« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2009, 01:19:44 AM »
Thank you Shanti!!

I will go through the topic, I'm sure there is some very helpful stuff in you think it would be OK for her to start a 5 min DM session in the mornings (at night might not be good b/c it tends to energize me)? would that help to smooth out any energy or just exacerbate it??


  • Posts: 4947
Dealing with Insomnia
« Reply #5 on: August 14, 2009, 01:42:49 AM »
I think 5 min meditation may really help. The "Amma Hug" * 2 increased the energy in her, but there is no meditation to take that energy and dissolve it into silence, so I think meditation will really help. One session 5 min sounds good. A second session early afternoon (around 2.00-3.00 pm) will help too.
Good thinking Parallax.[:)]


  • Posts: 369
Dealing with Insomnia
« Reply #6 on: August 14, 2009, 01:44:51 AM »
Thanks Shanti for helping me think this are the best...will let you know how it goes!!!

Much love to you [:D][:D][:D][:D]