Author Topic: Self-pacing and Automatic Meditation 24/7  (Read 972 times)


  • Posts: 1589
Self-pacing and Automatic Meditation 24/7
« on: January 01, 2011, 05:59:30 AM »
Wanted to share some thoughts on self-pacing and possible causes of the shortening practice routine for some of us AYP practitioners.

I have recently noticed that a direct correlation to the shortening of my sitting practice routine is the amount of time spent firmly in the "here and now" throughout a given day.

Over the years, after experiences which lead to big jumps in awareness and more time present in the now, there has been a corresponding need for self-pacing and reducing time spent in each formal sitting practice session.

It is like automatic meditation outside of practices which happens spontaneously from mantra practice. All objects dissolve in what Is (That), and we are left "here and now" without distraction for lengthening periods of time throughout a day.

The "here and now" itself  can be a misleading term, it is impossible to not be in the now, as there is only now, so technically, we are always here and now. So it is all about where the attention is, is it presently empowering the now, or is it off empowering and enlivening thoughts about the past or future?

The realization that there is only the here and now and even when we are off in thoughts, we are still here and now with those thoughts, created a big jump in natural meditation (not a conscious practice, but an automatic outcome) outside of practices for me and another shortening of my practice routine.

I anticipate once there is highly consistant 24/7 naturally occurring meditation outside of practices and the body catches up to that, there could be a lengthening of the capacity for AYP sitting practices......either that or no capacity for them at all, time will tell![:D]


  • Posts: 1843
Self-pacing and Automatic Meditation 24/7
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2011, 08:11:20 AM »
Hi Anthem

Your post coincides exactly with my experience.

I anticipate once there is highly consistant 24/7 naturally occurring meditation outside of practices and the body catches up to that, there could be a lengthening of the capacity for AYP sitting practices......either that or no capacity for them at all, time will tell!

I experience what seems to be an unending unveiling of the depth and clarity of the presence, and am wondering if the body will ever "catch up"....but it certainly is changed by it, that's for sure. The body is in a way everywhere......Bit by bit everything becomes "see-through" like an always undulating vibration instead of solid matter.
I find balance to be everything. It is the crux of the matter. I also find that there is a seemingly undending potential for lack of balance at least for me, being dedicated to staying balanced is the thing. That implies not fighting my loving helmet [:)]

Thanks so much for sharing!


  • Posts: 3597
Self-pacing and Automatic Meditation 24/7
« Reply #2 on: January 01, 2011, 09:08:09 AM »
What??? I know I will make a fool of myself with this question, but what helmet? I used to work with people who were required to wear helmets to keep from hurting themselves, but I'm sure this one is virtual??


  • Posts: 1843
Self-pacing and Automatic Meditation 24/7
« Reply #3 on: January 02, 2011, 01:23:14 AM »
LOL.....[:D][8D]......he he......
Ether you had me in stitches there.....:)

What??? I know I will make a fool of myself with this question, but what helmet? I used to work with people who were required to wear helmets to keep from hurting themselves, but I'm sure this one is virtual??

My loving helmet:

That which has protected my stubborn head over many many years now. So that when I screw up out of pure stubbornness - the knock on the skull is just hard enough to align whatever is astray back in balance, but not so hard as to inflict permanent damage of the kind that impedes further growth.

For years I used to be irritated with it.......I harboured an idea that the helmet made it difficult for understanding to penetrate. Such a fool I am :)

It is like the helmet.
Completely invisible, but it's consequneces are impossible to miss.

Have a grand day Ether [:)]


  • Posts: 3178
Self-pacing and Automatic Meditation 24/7
« Reply #4 on: January 02, 2011, 03:20:09 AM »
Hi Anthem and All [:)]

I only have a moment, but I just wanted to say that this aligns with my experience as well.  Ever since the AYP retreat in October I have had to drastically cut back on sitting practices (am just now starting to be able to handle minor amounts of SBP) and I have noticed a large increase in the amount of time spent in the "here and now."  I attribute the increase in "Presence" to purification (obviously) due to a consistent and long term AYP practice, but also to learning Insight Dialogue from Katrine during the retreat.  The ID sessions were the first time I allowed myself to just "be" with the vulnerability that (for me) seems to accompany the present moment.  Before, that vulnerability caused me to run to my favorite "coping mechanism" (thinking about the past or the future).  Now, that vulnerability is relaxed into and embraced.  The "here and now" is (for me) extremely raw and it is impossible to "hide" while resting in it.  It *is* clarity, everything is seen through in the present moment (including "myself") and it can be painful to see oneself so clearly.  But relaxing into the "seeing," and embracing that which I am, has become and is becoming easier the more it continues to happen.  As I re-read what I have just written I do not know that I have said what I meant to say when I decided to reply to this thread, but alas, I'm out of posting time, so, hopefully you can read between the lines and catch the underlying meaning. [;)]



  • Posts: 3597
Self-pacing and Automatic Meditation 24/7
« Reply #5 on: January 02, 2011, 03:35:54 AM »
Thank you Katrine [:)]