Author Topic: Kundalini During Sleep  (Read 927 times)


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Kundalini During Sleep
« on: August 07, 2008, 02:36:57 AM »
Hi All:

An interesting recent interchange. Comments welcome. [:)]

The guru is in you.

Q: From memeggings: Can the kundalini arise when asleep at night?

A very surprising thing happened around 4 or 5 this morning as I slept.  A part of my mind noted that the noise in my ears had escalated and was now very high and loud, then energy clamped onto the top and back of my head and within seconds I felt the electric flames rise and dance over my skin, through me, up, and my body felt mild shaking.

Then the part of my mind that noted the loud noise in my ears just prior to this, began calling to archangels and beings of Light and I felt myself thrown up high, then all was oblivion as my body slept and my singing mind went off somewhere, leaving no memory on waking of where I went.  (At times I remember my “split” mind’s travels into “realms of light” – for want of a better term.)

On awaking in the morning I remembeed this and immediately felt energy “clamp” onto the top and back of my head, but very mildly.

Can kundalini arise in sleep spontaneously?  I have many times had it arise over the years while awake, or just prior to going to sleep, but never in sleep.

A: Sure, with an active kundalini, those kinds of experiences can happen any time, even during sleep.

The important thing to remember is that kundalini experiences are symptoms of purification and opening occurring in the nervous system. As we continue with daily practices over time, purification and opening become gradually more refined and experiences naturally move toward a steady state of abiding inner silence, ecstatic bliss and outpouring divine love. This is the destination of practices and kundalini.

So when the visions and energy experiences come, it is suggested to favor our routine of practices over following a big drama. The practices will surely move us ahead in our development. The drama will not.

If experiences become too intense, then it is suggested to self-pace (scale back a bit) on practices for a while, and engage in more grounding activities in daily life.

All the best!

The guru is in  you.


  • Posts: 288
Kundalini During Sleep
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2008, 02:32:29 PM »
Sounds exactly like a spontaneous OBE to me


  • Posts: 1
Kundalini During Sleep
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2008, 05:21:20 AM »
Hi friends, the electric fire dancing flames up my skin only once led to me going consciously out of body, through the top of my head, into a grey place I call the astral.  I encountered no one there but did not like the feeling of the place and consciously returned.  By the clock twenty minutes had elapsed.

But this is not what happens normally, which is my being in two places simultaneously - both aware and awake in my body, and aware and flying in realms of light with unseen companions. This is NOT astral, for I fly through dark blue ethers and see many beautiful things, templates of crystal light, stunning unimagined things, yet my body can turn over in bed and even go to the bathroom, while this "split mind" phenomenon is occurring.  Such trips are different from the ones where I fly over the physical earth, or the physical surface of the sun.  There is a different energy feeling to these things.  

I'm writing a lot, but what I really want to say to people is that the descriptions in "A Course in Miracles" are ACTUAL REALITIES, many of which I have experienced.  It is said that Jesus was a man who remembered God and saw the face of Christ in his brothers. I have suddenly seen the face of Christ in a stranger, and always it takes my breath away.  On reflection I realize it is a rising up of Love from the heart that goes out and "sees" "greets" the Love in the brother.  It is amazing to experience.  

And I so want to share that my body has dissolved in Light even though I am still here in body to others.  But these "high" states do not last.  I fear I am babbling.  Perhaps the moderator will "unbabble" this message for me and post it anonymously for further comment from you all.  I really want to know if others have such experiencs.  No one in my family believes in these things.


  • Posts: 9
Kundalini During Sleep
« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2008, 06:13:22 PM »
Originally posted by memeggings

Hi friends, the electric fire dancing flames up my skin only once led to me going consciously out of body, through the top of my head, into a grey place I call the astral.

I fear I am babbling.

No one in my family believes in these things.

Interesting. This is how it all started for me (the spirtual thing that is) in this lifetime.

Exactly this sort of thing. Dreams I would have since I was a young boy until what I call my "slap across the face wake up call". A crown opening while asleep. I would have always just put it down to very nice dreams until it started happening when I was awake. That was very confronting. Yogani's lessons and writings helped very much back then. **lots of good karma for you yogani**

I had similar issues as you. These experiences are just so profound that you can't put them in words. It's indescribable, all beyond words and concepts, you end up sounding like you are a blabbing fool ready for the institution, lol.

My family didn't understand either. Seeking out those that do helped me.

All the best
kind regards