Author Topic: Sitting and comfort  (Read 837 times)


  • Posts: 8
Sitting and comfort
« on: November 30, 2007, 07:03:44 AM »
This is a hard question for me to post but maby some of you have had this happen during your practice. I was proceeding smoothly and comfortably in my twice daily practice Using the AYP methods and trchniques. About a month ago I started noticing some discomfort in sitting, I tried all types of cushons and blankets to position myself into the proper alignment [heal in groin] then I started to develop hemroids and inflamation . This might have been brought on by mulabandha, but the end result has been the suspension of all practices. I could not sit at all, I tried laying on my side but this was very fustrating. Its been a few weeks now and I'm all healed up. I prop myself up in bed on pillows in the morning and do the best I can, [but not to the level as before]and my practice has suffered because of all this. any sugestions?[xx(]


  • Posts: 718
Sitting and comfort
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2007, 09:43:53 AM »
Actually I have many experiences similar to this and continue to do so.
I have found that as the shakti heals the body old injuries and illnesses are exaggerated as they heal.I've lost count of the number of old injuries which I thought had healed long ago, suddenly popping up as agonising pain and then finally disappearing.I have had a small haemorroid for about 30 yrs which suddenly started bleeding for the first time ever about 6 weeks ago for no apparent reason.It bled for about 1 week and then suddenly healed and stopped bleeding and hasn't bothered me since. No sign of the bleeding at all.A couple of weeks later I awoke with a bad back which lasted for about 1 week and then suddenly disappeared.