Author Topic: Mega-Slammed with Hayfever  (Read 1231 times)

Jim and His Karma

  • Posts: 2018
Mega-Slammed with Hayfever
« on: October 01, 2007, 09:23:58 AM »
Ack, another health question. I haven't had a tad of hayfever or seasonal allergy in decades. Yesterday, I just got KILLED. In 24 hours, I've nearly scraped the skin off my nose. I do realize that allergies come and go, and I do realize that here in New England, it's the peak of hay fever time, but such an extreme and sudden onset makes me think it may have to do with yoga.

My sinuses had been feeling really great and alive and clear for some time, thanks to AYP. Can this be a "healing crisis"? Or is it just a "crisis"[:)]? Anyone ever hear about yogic issues with such things?


  • Posts: 320
Mega-Slammed with Hayfever
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2007, 10:31:37 AM »
FWIW. When I was much younger I used to get hayfever big time. Some one suggested pantothenic acid a B vitamin. Fixed it permanently.


  • Posts: 176
Mega-Slammed with Hayfever
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2007, 11:01:12 AM »
HI Jim

Sorry to hear about your allergies. Have you tried using a neti pot with a lukewarm water and salt solution? I'm not saying that you should, only that it may be an option to help with you sinuses.
I have been doing neti for about 1 year and am definitely seeing positive results.
Although I must admit If I don't drink red wine the night before I always wake up with clear sinuses vs. if I drink red wine I wake up stuffed up and congested.
Sounds like an allergy to me.

Hope you feel better



  • Posts: 832
Mega-Slammed with Hayfever
« Reply #3 on: October 01, 2007, 12:41:05 PM »
Good advice from LittleTurtle and Guy.

Whenever I get a cold with stuffed nose I rinse my sinuses from a jar with lukewarm water that is higher and coming down via a hose, and leaning back, keeping mouth open. I mix about 1/2 a teaspoon of salt 1/2 a tablespoon of vinegar into about 1 quart of water.

The cold disappears much quicker with this treatment, usually within a couple of days.


  • Posts: 176
Mega-Slammed with Hayfever
« Reply #4 on: October 01, 2007, 01:02:48 PM »
Hi Weaver;

I've read about the technique you've described but don't quite understand. Is it like the neti where the water goes in the nostril but exits through the mouth? If so what is the position of the head.

Thanks for any clarification.



  • Posts: 832
Mega-Slammed with Hayfever
« Reply #5 on: October 01, 2007, 02:06:39 PM »
Hi Guy,

I don't know how to do neti, I made this up when I had severely stuffed sinuses many years ago and got desperate to get it out. I stand in the bathtub, leaning the head back, keeping mouth open, holding the breath, and press the nozzle from the hose on one nostril so the water comes out again from both the mouth and the other nostril. The nozzle does not get inside the nostril but is bigger, so it's just pressed on the outside of the nostril, but keeping the opening fairly sealed. I shift to the other nostril once or twice until I have to breathe again, and then lean forward and blow the nose and let everything come out. Then I do it again until the water runs out in the jar, which holds about 1.5 quarts and is kept on a shelf about 1 foot above the head. To get the water running in the beginning, you have to suck on the nozzle, and you keep the thumb on the nozzle between the nose rinsings to prevent the jar from emptying.


  • Posts: 4947
Mega-Slammed with Hayfever
« Reply #6 on: October 01, 2007, 11:48:35 PM »
Hi Jim,
If you are not prone to allergies... watch it for a few days.. it may just be purification. I had an allergy attack.. sinusey, sneezey, stuffy head, scratchy throat etc last week and I have NEVER suffered from allergies. Well the symptoms stayed for a couple of days. I did not do anything or take any medication. It is fine now.. and hopefully will not come back again. May be helpful to just watch it.


  • Posts: 4947
Mega-Slammed with Hayfever
« Reply #7 on: October 02, 2007, 12:38:39 AM »
PS: Drink loads of water.

Jim and His Karma

  • Posts: 2018
Mega-Slammed with Hayfever
« Reply #8 on: October 02, 2007, 02:15:04 AM »
Good advice, all, thanks.

I've had a sort of impulse to try neti, though it's not really my "kind of thing" (hey, what elements of yoga ARE one's natural "kind of thing"?). So maybe I ought to follow the impulse. Where the heck do you buy the pot, though? Weaver's technique scares the heck out of me!! :)

Shanti, that's hugely helpful. In fact, today I woke up much better, so maybe I had what you had. How long ago was this for you? Kind of a weird way to manifest purification!
But it's great to establish that here in the forum. Maybe it'll help others, so they don't get all medded up prematurely.

Littleturtle, since I got totally involved wiht all this yoga stuff, I generally only pursue "cures" as a last resort. I'm a lot more interested in learning from what's happening than in changing it. But I'd never heard about pantothenic acid a B vitamin for allergies, and will definitely hold the tip in case I get desperate!


  • Posts: 549
Mega-Slammed with Hayfever
« Reply #9 on: October 02, 2007, 02:23:08 AM »
Amaroli - cured, and i mean CURED, sinus problems I've had my whole life!

Neti pot - ive had instances of hay fever where throught the neti pot ill literally blow out a wad of blackish/reddish blood and i will feel instantly better. it gets stuff out of your sinuses that blowing your nose could never accomplish.

tea - i drink them all day when sick like you are. echinacea, teas sepcifically for colds, green, black, chamomile.

fruits/vegs obviously

fasting - allows the body to heal itself faster. i usually just stick to raw fruits and vegs for the while im ill

vinegar - drinking a little bit of vinegar - look it up...balances the body to an alkaline state, usually acidity is the catalyst for illness

hydrogen peroxide - look that up too. ive heard a lot of good about putting some in your ears.


  • Posts: 4947
Mega-Slammed with Hayfever
« Reply #10 on: October 02, 2007, 03:14:59 AM »
Originally posted by Jim and His Karma

How long ago was this for you? Kind of a weird way to manifest purification!

This was a week back.
The reason I thought it was purification.. about 3 months back I started doing "oil pulling".. and this lead to a lot of what they call detoxification (we call purification).. I was itching all over.. and it could have been an allergic reaction to the sesame oil I was using (though I have used sesame oil before and never been allergic to it).. however I decided to give it some time and in a couple of weeks the symptoms of purification went away. Since that too seemed like an allergic reaction.. I decided to see if these allergy symptoms too were purification. I think they were.. but who knows.. maybe there was something in the air.. that has now travelled to New England :).

Originally posted by Jim and His Karma

 Where the heck do you buy the pot, though? Weaver's technique scares the heck out of me!! :)

You get them at any drugstore. There are 2 kinds available. Bewell had posted a link for this
Weaver's technique (I think) uses regular water not saline.. which can be very uncomfortable. When you do jala neti.. you need to find the right concentration of salt that needs to be added to the water.. the correct salt content in the water will determine the comfort of this practice and is different for different people.. you need to experiment with the salt content to find what works for you. It is explained really well in Yogani's Diet, Shatkarma and Amaroli book.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2007, 04:03:17 AM by Shanti »

Jim and His Karma

  • Posts: 2018
Mega-Slammed with Hayfever
« Reply #11 on: October 02, 2007, 05:01:03 AM »
Originally posted by Shanti who knows.. maybe there was something in the air.. that has now travelled to New England :).

you may be on to something....there was a rash of sinus problems in the area last couple days. could be explained by a peak of allergens/mold/ragweed, too, but, again, I haven't had allergies in decades. So maybe there's just something out there...

I find it almost unthinkable I can get a neti pot in "any drugstore", but on your say-so I'll go hit my local CVS today. Maybe I'll ask if they have any amaroli cups, as well...


  • Posts: 176
Mega-Slammed with Hayfever
« Reply #12 on: October 02, 2007, 07:06:52 AM »
Hi Jim:

If you have an intrest in learning more about neti pot treatments try this site


Jim and His Karma

  • Posts: 2018
Mega-Slammed with Hayfever
« Reply #13 on: October 02, 2007, 07:58:15 AM »
Yup. totally purification. yoga is WEIRD.

I took a day off from practices becuase I felt too crappy to sit still. Just practiced now. As soon as mantra started, I remembered something I'd forgotten since last session....that last time, "a big chunk broke off" (a characterization Yogani sometimes uses to describe a particularly productive spurt of purification). But "I am" didn't forget, and immediately took off from where it last worked. So it was an extremely deep session. And hay fever is just about GONE.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2007, 07:59:01 AM by Jim and His Karma »