Author Topic: natural mineral baths  (Read 613 times)


  • Posts: 91
natural mineral baths
« on: June 03, 2007, 02:59:12 AM »
i think it is so brilliant how the earth provides us everything our body needs...

around the world there are many natural mineral baths/springs that provide mud/clay that is excellent for our skin... for example the Blue Lagoon in Iceland or the Dead Sea in the middle east... i can attest to how my skin has never felt smoother and more refreshed than after going to these places... better than any product i could ever buy.. i have heard many people with skin conditions who have gone to these places and found cures... for example where the Dead Sea is the ozone is very thick and it is the lowest altitude in the world so you can put the mud which has so many wonderful minerals on your skin and sit out in the sun and let it soak in and there's less skin damage... gosh, i wish i could go to these places everyday!! ...stuff like this just wows me and reminds me there must be a God and how when we try to add chemicals and man-made stuff to things its just never as effective as the natural stuff....
it's so great to have so many people from around the world on this website so i thought i could pick your brains -are there any other places like this around the world??