Author Topic: "spacy" in target  (Read 677 times)


  • Posts: 17
"spacy" in target
« on: May 05, 2007, 06:31:32 AM »
i got up from sadhana as usaual with some calmness. as i was going about the day a cool sensation started growing within. it became stronger as i was driving and i was about to ask my girlfriend to drive but target was two blocks away,i could make it. while shopping i became "spacy" with every breath,the coolness feeling intensified with every breath if i concentrated on breathing. the cool sensation was all over me, i felt it mainly in the arms. it subsided but could felt all day.[?]

has this happened to you? or heard of it happening?


  • Posts: 91
"spacy" in target
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2007, 08:10:39 AM »
i'm no expert here, blackmuladar, but i'll give my two cents... are you resting properly after your sadhana? i know that if i don't rest for at least 5 min. after then my energy is all over the place.


  • Posts: 4947
"spacy" in target
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2007, 08:30:28 AM »
Hi Blackmuladar,
The cool sensations that you felt was energy moving.. the energy can be felt as heat or minty cold.

"the coolness feeling intensified with every breath if i concentrated on breathing. "
Yes.. focusing on energy will only intensify it.. when you do go through these periods of energy increases, the best thing to do is keep your mind off the energy by staying active. If the energy gets too much to handle.. back off your practice a little. You know the rules of self pacing right? Cut down on your practice time a bit, till your energy levels are under control.. and then you can pick it up again.

Feeling spacey is a sign of either over doing practice...(not sure what your routine is) and/or as clk said (valuable 2 cents btw:-)), not enough rest after meditation. Keep an eye on your meditation/practice time, and after meditation, come out of it very slowly.. and rest for 5 - 10 mins after practice.

Wish you all the best.

PS: You can look this up in the FAQs

and some more on it in Tips on Managing Practices
« Last Edit: May 05, 2007, 08:36:00 AM by Shanti »


  • Posts: 91
"spacy" in target
« Reply #3 on: May 06, 2007, 12:40:53 AM »
good advice shanti, also i would add that specifically a more vigorous asana practice might be helpful to ground the energy


  • Posts: 4947
"spacy" in target
« Reply #4 on: May 06, 2007, 01:46:05 AM »
Originally posted by clk1710

also i would add that specifically a more vigorous asana practice might be helpful to ground the energy

Adding a light asana routine can certainly help.
Like Yogani says in Lesson 71 - Yoga asanas..
Asanas in the traditional sense are for quieting the nervous system. But more than that. They are designed to facilitate the flow of prana in the body, particularly in the sushumna, the spinal nerve. So you can see that this makes asanas an excellent preparation for
pranayama, for spinal breathing.

However, when the energy levels are already high, it is better not to add anything new till things settle down a bit.

Doing things that are physically tiring and yet does not require mental focus helps a lot. A heavier diet for a few day will help. Staying away from things that increases your bhakti like spiritual material/people /this forum also helps. Self pacing on practice is a big plus.  

Keep in mind, all this is required when the energy levels are so high that it affects your every day life (outside of practice).. where you feel spacey, light headed, groggy, irritated, have unpleasant physical sensations, etc. (all symptoms of excess purification)

But I agree with you, once things have settled down, starting off with a light asana routine (join a class and take a few lessons if this is your first time in asanas) and then slowly building it up, if so desired, is a very good way to get the energy flowing the right way and with ease.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2007, 01:47:33 AM by Shanti »