Author Topic: REM and the awake state of consciousness  (Read 1041 times)


  • Posts: 572
REM and the awake state of consciousness
« on: December 26, 2006, 01:05:06 PM »
I had the strangest experience of closing my eyes and my eyes fluttered just like that in the [REM] dream state and I saw flickering lights beneath my eye lids.  I kept opening my eyes and closing them and the same phenomenon occurred for nearly 30 seconds.  I wasn't dreaming, was consciously aware, wasn't even in a deep meditative state and had full control of my bodily functions.

Has anyone else experienced this?

I found this very exciting, because I'm hoping that I can investigate this further and possibly develop insight that will be beneficial to understanding different states of consciousness that can be used on a practical level:


« Last Edit: December 26, 2006, 01:06:33 PM by VIL »


  • Posts: 3071
    • Advanced Yoga Practices
REM and the awake state of consciousness
« Reply #1 on: December 26, 2006, 05:23:17 PM »
Hi Vil,
I had this pretty much every time I meditated, constantly for about 2 years. I found it very distracting. Nobody seemed to know what it was. If what you are experiencing is the same as the phenomenon that I experienced, you will find that after some time, the flashing lights (or rather light) start to move. You will also find that the speed of the flahing starts to change. Of course, there are many lights that we experience in meditation, so there is no reason why it should be the same thing that I experienced. If it is the same thing that I experienced, then the REM is not the same as in the dream state, but is rather caused by the eyelids being "fluttered" by the light. When the light moves away from the eyes, the REM will stop, and other parts of your head will start vibrating.[:)]



  • Posts: 572
REM and the awake state of consciousness
« Reply #2 on: December 27, 2006, 12:08:42 AM »
Thanks, Christi, I appreciate you sharing your amazing experience:


Could be the same thing, I'm not sure, although I just closed my eyes and wasn't in a state of meditation when it happened.  Did this happen as soon as you closed your eyes?  Also, it happened a couple of times before, but not as long of a duration.  It could be that my eyes fluttered from the light, as you said.  Again, I'm not sure, but will keep you posted.

One more thing, Christi, when did the phenomenon start/stop in relation to your Kundalini Awakening/Meditation?  

Sorry for all of the questions, but I found it particularly interesting that your head buzzed.  Maybe this will happen to me also as I move further along the path and we can put are heads together and mastermind some sort of psychic cosmic generator of proportions that the world has never seen. LOLOLOL:


« Last Edit: December 27, 2006, 12:48:26 AM by VIL »


  • Posts: 3071
    • Advanced Yoga Practices
REM and the awake state of consciousness
« Reply #3 on: December 27, 2006, 06:07:21 AM »
Hi Vil,
Could be the same thing, I'm not sure, although I just closed my eyes and wasn't in a state of meditation when it happened. Did this happen as soon as you closed your eyes? Also, it happened a couple of times before, but not as long of a duration. It could be that my eyes fluttered from the light, as you said. Again, I'm not sure, but will keep you posted.

It would happen when I closed my eyes, when I was meditating or when I was trying to sleep. It was related to ajna chakra activity, so it did not happen all the time, only when the chakra was active. The experience was triggered by meditating in a room with a candle lit. At first I thought it was the light from the candle. So then I blew the candle out and it carried on!
One more thing, Christi, when did the phenomenon start/stop in relation to your Kundalini Awakening/Meditation?

That's really hard to answer. You see I had a spontaneous kundalini awakening when I was about 20, before I started practicing meditation or yoga. The energy went up my spine and exploded in the middle of my head. I started meditating a few months later (I think... it was a long time ago). My meditation has been incredibly sporadic since then.  That was 17 years ago. The flashing light thing would have been connected to the opening of my ajna chakra and probably started about 4 years ago and stopped about 2 years ago, the time I started doing AYP practices. Then about 6 months later I had another kundalini awakening which went out of the top of my head. Is that detailed enough?
I found it particularly interesting that your head buzzed. Maybe this will happen to me also as I move further along the path

The thing that caused the flashing lights in my case was a small ball of flashing light that appeared first in front of my eyes, seen with my inner vision when my eyes were closed. For many months it remained in front of my eyes, but then it gradually began moving around my head, causing a vibration in the part of my head closest to it. Vibrations in the head can also (and much more commonly) be caused by the kundalini energy activating different chakras. Personally I have experienced about 8 chakras opening in my head. This is independent to the flashing light. Sometimes the vibrations caused by the chakra openings can be so strong that it feels like the whole room is vibrating. Once I woke up and thought I was in the middle of an earthquake.
How does this flashing light thing fit in to your meditation/ kundalini activity etc?



  • Posts: 572
REM and the awake state of consciousness
« Reply #4 on: December 27, 2006, 09:46:25 AM »
Christi: At first I thought it was the light from the candle. So then I blew the candle out and it carried on!

You were probably like, 'Mental note.  No more candles': [:D]

Christi: The thing that caused the flashing lights in my case was a small ball of flashing light that appeared first in front of my eyes, seen with my inner vision when my eyes were closed. For many months it remained in front of my eyes, but then it gradually began moving around my head, causing a vibration in the part of my head closest to it. Vibrations in the head can also (and much more commonly) be caused by the kundalini energy activating different chakras.

That's similar to my experience, yet different.  But I was thinking that maybe the same light that we experienced was connected with a state of consciousness, where we're actually dreaming, which is causing the REM [rapid eye movement], although we are in the awake state and are unaware of it.  Kind of like when we dream, the eye flutters, because we're looking at pictures and feel like we are those pictures - in one state of conscious.  And in the conscious, awake state, we're observing the same thing, but perceive it as light, as if the eye is a camera lens perceiving these same dreams filtered through nervous system, or through states of consciousness.

We have muscle, motor, control in the awake state, since we are observing, compared to the lack of motor control due to active participation in the dream state.  Am I making any sense?  LOL:  [:)]  

Christi:  How does this flashing light thing fit in to your meditation/ kundalini activity etc?

It happens out of the blue and I have no way of predicting when the REM Like Light happens, since it's not something that happens regularly.  And was only perceptible, because of the longer duration.  I had only nano second glimpses before, that puzzled me.  But it must be connected with the chakras, as you said, and I'll try and pay more attention to where my focus is when it happens.

Thanks, again, for sharing your experience, Christi, since it helps me gain different insight, wisdom, and perspective:



« Last Edit: December 27, 2006, 11:30:04 AM by VIL »


  • Posts: 1654
REM and the awake state of consciousness
« Reply #5 on: December 28, 2006, 09:30:19 PM »
Originally posted by VIL

Christi: At first I thought it was the light from the candle. So then I blew the candle out and it carried on!

You were probably like, 'Mental note.  No more candles': [:D]

Christi: The thing that caused the flashing lights in my case was a small ball of flashing light that appeared first in front of my eyes, seen with my inner vision when my eyes were closed. For many months it remained in front of my eyes, but then it gradually began moving around my head, causing a vibration in the part of my head closest to it. Vibrations in the head can also (and much more commonly) be caused by the kundalini energy activating different chakras.

That's similar to my experience, yet different.  But I was thinking that maybe the same light that we experienced was connected with a state of consciousness, where we're actually dreaming, which is causing the REM [rapid eye movement], although we are in the awake state and are unaware of it.  Kind of like when we dream, the eye flutters, because we're looking at pictures and feel like we are those pictures - in one state of conscious.  And in the conscious, awake state, we're observing the same thing, but perceive it as light, as if the eye is a camera lens perceiving these same dreams filtered through nervous system, or through states of consciousness.

We have muscle, motor, control in the awake state, since we are observing, compared to the lack of motor control due to active participation in the dream state.  Am I making any sense?  LOL:  [:)]  

Christi:  How does this flashing light thing fit in to your meditation/ kundalini activity etc?

It happens out of the blue and I have no way of predicting when the REM Like Light happens, since it's not something that happens regularly.  And was only perceptible, because of the longer duration.  I had only nano second glimpses before, that puzzled me.  But it must be connected with the chakras, as you said, and I'll try and pay more attention to where my focus is when it happens.

Thanks, again, for sharing your experience, Christi, since it helps me gain different insight, wisdom, and perspective:



Hi VIL & Christi,

I just wanted to add my voice to this, as well.

Me, too.


Actually, Christi and I have recently learned that we experience some very similar things, energetically - so maybe you (VIL) are entering that same realm.

I got the fluttering eye / lights thing for quite some time (maybe 2 years, or so -- in the beginning, it was really wild -- full-blown metaphysical lightning shown, in conjunction with what I thought at the time was the beginning of samadhi - but was actually just "feelingreallyreallygoodi" [8D]

Then, my eyes settled down quite a bit over this past year, but "interesting stuff in my field of vision" has become even more so - but clearly via the third-eye ... not "behind the eyelids" as this other energy, was.

However, it's been coming back a bit lately ... the lights seem less, but I think they're the same -- they're just less in comparison to how vivid and interesting third-eye visions can be.

My guess, per the return of "eye action" is simply that I've felt drawn to do a bit more overall energy work (spinal breathing) lately, which seems to be a great benefit over all -- the eyelid-flutter just seems to be a sign of running the much subtle energy up and down the spine.

I just wanted to share my experiences, in case they're helpful -- but I don't actually know that much about what's going on -- energetically, it's pretty minor for me right now -- I hadn't really thought about discussing it here, until I saw this thread.

Hope this helps - I'll be interested to hear what others have to say.

Peace & Namaste,



  • Posts: 530
REM and the awake state of consciousness
« Reply #6 on: December 29, 2006, 12:17:55 AM »
I've experienced the same twitching in my eyes and it seems to be an involuntary movement when chi is passing through certain nerves in the brain.

When this occurs I would open your eyes as wide as you can till there is a slight sense of them bulging, and then look upward.

The other time this happens is when I focus really hard.  If you try to do samyama or put the mind into total stillness with all your intention, it would probably cause the eyes to twitch.


  • Posts: 572
REM and the awake state of consciousness
« Reply #7 on: December 29, 2006, 12:08:20 PM »
Thanks for sharing your experiences, Kirtman and Kyman:  
