Author Topic: Blockage - self-pace ?  (Read 1032 times)


  • Posts: 443
Blockage - self-pace ?
« on: September 22, 2006, 02:54:35 AM »
Since a couple of weeks I notice some kind of blockage
in my back. The blockage is a few inches below my kidneys,
at the top of my buttocks.
When doing simple stretching exercices if feel some
kind of pain (similar to a muscle ache).
The pain is not bothering very much as I feel it only
when doing stretching exercises.
I am wondering if I should reduce my exercises,
but on the other hand I do like the exercises (tai chi qi gong)
and I believe that the exercises help clearing up the
I started feeling this kind of pain about 3-4 weeks ago.
When I am going on about normal life business, I am not aware
of the blockage (meaning, it doesn't bother me),
but the blockage is there.
Just a question of more patience or what ?

Looking forward to your comments


  • Posts: 718
Blockage - self-pace ?
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2006, 03:07:26 AM »
Hi Wolfgang,
As you know Yogani stresses self pacing but this is different for all of us.Some can manage only a few minutes, others longer.In my lineage there is no self pacing but this means one has to take extra care when interacting with others.It's all about finding balance in your life.If you cannot live in the real world due to excessive cleansing then you need to change your routine else how do you go to work and have a life outside of yoga? Guruji told me. you look to your responsibilities in life, your family etc and the rest is for meditation.Are you sure the pain is a blockage and not muscle strain?I have also noticed that shakti exaggerates any old forgotten injuries as she heals you.My wife has also had this experience and she only listens to the Divine Sound and does not practice meditation.


  • Posts: 443
Blockage - self-pace ?
« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2006, 03:20:13 AM »
Originally posted by riptiz

Are you sure the pain is a blockage and not muscle strain?I have also noticed that shakti exaggerates any old forgotten injuries as she heals you.

No Dave, I am not sure if it is blockage or muscle strain.
But plain muscle strain due to physical overworking usually
goes away after a couple of days.

Could you however please elaborate on "shakti exaggerates" ?



  • Posts: 718
Blockage - self-pace ?
« Reply #3 on: September 22, 2006, 06:09:00 AM »
Hi Wolfgang,
It has been my experience that as shakti heals the body, old injuries seem to be highlighted by further pain as it heals and then it disappears.For instance if you had an injury some time ago and possibly forgotten about it, then suddenly you experience pain in that area years later.This is what I mean by exaggerating it.It seems to reappear for no known reason and then disappear again just as mysteriously.Hope I explained this well enough but as all things it's hard to explain.


  • Posts: 4947
Blockage - self-pace ?
« Reply #4 on: September 23, 2006, 01:18:51 AM »

Hi Wolfgang,
I am not sure if this will be any good for you... but there is a post on depression where in Jim and David have talked about using a Yoga brick for dislodging energy blockages in the lower back area. I know you are not suffering from depression... but you do feel a block. Read the thread and see if you think it will help you..
If you do try it.. remember to self pace.. it can be very powerful..[:)]

Jim said:
Here's what you ought to shoot for as a bare minimum. Chest opening. That's what it all boils down to. the Iyengar system has developed "restorative" ways of doing asanas that are passive and require no energy, but there are ways to use blocks and bolsters (big pillows) and blankets to put your body in the position where the energy can flow, open up your chest, and that's exactly what you need. I learned it in classes, so I haven't used a book for this, but I just looked around Amazon and this looks like a great guide: "Relax and Renew" by Judith Lasater. I hope you'll buy it. You'll need to spend some money to buy a bolster and stuff (if money's a problem, email me and I'll chip in some). But if you'll get into restorative yoga, mostly chest openings, you'll have huge results, I can honestly promise you. At very very least, it's something you absolutely will be ok doing during all but the most severe depressions.

Here's the basic chest opener, to get you started (Victor, correct me if I get this wrong, ok?). Take a yoga block (never buy the plastic ones, which won't support your weight....must be made from wood) and place it on end on the floor. Lay down on your back on top of the brick with the brick just below shoulder blades (with the narrowest edge facing your neck). Try to relax everything. Breathe. Move the brick very slighly up and down every few minutes.

Actually, that's an extreme one. You may perceive it to be painful (it's not really's energy hitting blockages...and it goes away pretty fast). But it's a cure for what you've got. There are gentler versions of this in the book, where you use softer, lower things like blankets and bolsters.

If you need more tips, start a thread in the "asana" section.