Author Topic: Progression  (Read 857 times)


  • Posts: 530
« on: September 19, 2006, 04:32:39 AM »
The time before I started meditating almost seems like a different life, like a past life, when I conceptualize my current experience.  

After reading many discussions on AYP, as well as in the lessons, I found everyone described similar patterns of growth.  

The trajectory starts with little or no consistent self awareness, tied completely to external events.  A serious roller coaster ride.  It is difficult to focus on things that escape our narrow field of understanding. Somewhere along the way we experience a lightness in the body, stillness through out the day and at will, spans of tranquil clarity, and at some point a palpable yet ephemeral sensation of bliss.

The potential for growth in the individual human being is remarkable.  If knowledge or guidance can be provided each person truly can become the butterfly or blooming flower.

My question is, what is the experience of the human body like after 15, 20, 50 years of this?

One can feel the pathways being cleansed in the body, forging a new dynamic.  It begins as almost a hush or whisper and grows to a wave of energy that warps through our entire body, hollowing us out until we are empty.  

I've never met anyone face to face who kept a steady practice, self pacing, living mindfully for that long.  I would really love to pick their brain, or hear anyones else's experiences in this regard.

Please, your thoughts?
« Last Edit: September 19, 2006, 04:35:02 AM by Kyman »


  • Posts: 6025
    • AYP Plus
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2006, 09:08:21 AM »
Hi Kyman:

You are part of a new breed of yogi and yogini, and it will be very interesting to see how things progress in the years and decades to come.

There are plenty of folks around from my generation (baby boomers) who have been doing practices of one kind or other for a long time. Yet, the results have been mixed -- some would say disappointing in relation to the claims that were made early on. I believe this has been due to a lack of full-scope integration of powerful methods that have not been brought together before now. Outside AYP, I don't know of anyone who has been integrating practices across rigid traditional lines the way we have been doing.

It is silly really. In this scientific age, we are only now beginning to effectively combine the essential methods of human spiritual transformation, even though these methods have been around for thousands of years! Well, better late than never.

The experiences being recorded here after a year or two (yours are beautiful) are the kind one might hear from old-style long term practioners, if at all.

Of course, in quite a few cases, long term practitioners involved in one class of practice are coming into AYP and adding on, with big leaps forward in a very short time. That is because they have been selectively purifying for a long time with the one class of practice, and suddenly a new element of yoga is brought in and it can go pretty fast from there. So nothing is ever wasted on the spiritual path. My own practice evolved like that over some three decades, picking up essential pieces along the way as AYP slowly crystalized into an easy-to-use integrated system. And I believe there is much more to do yet. Science is never satisfied and never sleeps. It's a good thing too ... now that we are getting it all out in the open, it means much more progress will be coming.

So, it will be folks like you who are giving the 10, 20 and 30 year perspectives on self-directed integrated practices. It is a real adventure that has the potential to exceed the greatest achievements of humanity so far. We just need to get everyone into the act, and the divine synergy will take over. [8D]

Of course, there are always a few enlightened people around. That is not really a big deal in the overall scheme of things. But thousands? That will be something else entirely.

The guru is in you.


  • Posts: 530
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2006, 10:33:37 AM »
Yes, having this site, for example, has been paramount in grounding me into a stable and comfortable practice.  It is important to note the sense of being lost or unsure of the inner experiences that often occur with yoga.  Being able to connect to an establishment of love and commune with those who are part if it grants people a most welcome peace of mind.

It is the individuals desire or affinity for love and truth which invites this divine union, but we often use the help of a guru or community as a way to faciliate our intention to balance out/heal.  There is nothing more I want in this world than to live modestly, in gratitude for life's abundance, and as individual who actively participates in the healing of this world.  That is so important to me, and to so many others, and AYP can help us achieve that goal.

AYP understands that world peace arises out of the individual.  You mention a deep integration of skills which unlock the full potential of our being.